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Nini walked into her math class with her Starbucks in her hands hoping it'd help her keep her eyes open.

She made a mental note to start going for her morning jogs again. Since she stopped going on them there's been a noticeable shift in her energy level and she needed all the energy she could get right about now.

The fact that Ricky was by her side almost every night helped her sleep a lot better at night. She felt so safe snuggled up under him, but she was still super sleepy in the mornings.

Since she's been falling asleep alongside Ricky, she didn't feel the need to stay at Gina's anymore, which was starting to become noticeable.

Nini's parents travel a lot, and it seems like they're always on a business trip leaving Nini with the house to herself. Most of the time she'd feel lonely so she'd stay with Gina, but now she had Ricky.

"Good morning Nina" the teacher smiled as she spoke to the girl

"Good morning" Nini plastered a smile onto her face before proceeding to her seat and taking out the homework that had been assigned the night before.

She knew that a few problems were incorrect but this teacher graded on completion anyway and Nini didn't have the energy to go back and correct them.

As students flooded into the classroom some took out their homework automatically while others tried to copy down a few answers before the start of class.

"Alright! Good morning class. I hope everyone completed their homework, because it will be 25 percent of your grade" the teacher announced earning a few groans from the students. Mostly from the ones I who didn't take the time to complete their homework. "It's nice to see everyone is so excited" the teacher said earning a few laughs from students.

"Hey Nini" Kourtney sat down in the empty seat next to Nini. "It seems like I haven't seen you in forever"

"I know! I've just been kind of busy lately so I haven't been around much" Nini admitted

"Busy with Ricky?" Kourtney smirked and Nini nearly choked on air. They were so careful, how did Kourtney find out

"With who now?"

"Nini, I know there's something going on with you and Ricky. Don't worry I won't tell anyone. It's not my business to tell" Kourtney chuckled

"Me and Ricky? Kourtney that's ridiculous" Nini chuckled nervously.

"Nini" Kourtney looked at the girl with an 'you don't have to lie' expression and Nini sighed

"H-how did you find out?"

"When we were on the boat, I saw you sneak into his room. I was in the kitchen getting some water, and I heard footsteps so I went around the corner to see what it was, and I saw you sneak in"

"Does anyone else know?"

"No, I haven't said anything to anyone else, and I'm sure that if someone else saw we'd know by now."

"Alright, thanks for not saying anything Kourt" Nini offered the girl a closed lip smile

"Of course, your secrets safe with me"


"You're coming to my dance competition right Nini? This one is huge and—"

"Gi, relax. I'm your best friend. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Nini told the girl, and Gina took a breath of relief.

Secretly in Love|Rini Au (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now