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"What did you get for number 5?" Gina asked as the two of them worked on their math homework together.

Nini scanned her notebook trying to find the problem Gina was referring to as she held her pencil between her teeth.

"I got 43" Nini said after she found the problem

"43? I got 786.5" Gina sighed

"What the— how did you get—let me see" Nini grabbed Gina's notebook looking over the work she'd done. She didn't know how in the world Gina possibly got 786.5

"Nini you know I suck at math." Gina whined "the only math I need is knowing how to count from 1-8 for my dance steps. That's it" she said earning a laugh from Nini

"Okay I see where you get wrong. You have to use PEMDAS Gi"

"Nini this is not the time to be speaking in an entirely different language. I'm trying to figure out how you got 43"

"PEMDAS? Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally?"

"When did you get an aunt named Sally and why have I never heard of her?" Gina said and Nini sighed

"Okay, look at it like this. You so parentheses first if there are any parentheses. Then you move on to exponents. Then multiplication. Then division. Then addition. Then subtraction"

"So you mean to tell me that the order I do that stuff in actually matters?"

"Yes Gi" Nini laughed

"I hate math. Everything went wrong when they tried to combine letters and numbers " Gina said before she took the notebook back in her hand and attempted to follow PEMDAS. Nini couldn't help but laugh at the girl's struggle in math.

Math didn't exactly come easy to her but it was definitely doable. It helped a lot when she'd show her work so that when she went back over it she was able to see where she went wrong and easily correct it.

The girls were interrupted from their math from a soft knock on the door. Nini looked up and saw Ricky.

She didn't expect for her heart to feel sad seeing him but it did. Maybe because she knew he wasn't happy to see her or maybe it was because she'd given him every piece of her that she could and he just ghosted her without a problem.

"Oh hey Ricky. I thought you'd be out all night, I'm surprised to see you back here" Gina said and he raised an eyebrow with a confused expression on his face.

"You—" Ricky started but stopped when he noticed Nini's expression. She had a 'don't say anything' look on her face and it only made sense that she was the one who texted him. "Yeah I guess I just got tired and wanted to sleep in the comfort of my own room"

"Oh okay, but we're going to be blasting music with or without you here. We were kinda excited to be able to do that" Gina told him

"These walls are basically soundproof so I shouldn't have a problem hearing anything."

"The way these soundproof walls saved my life when you were—"

"Gina!" Nini raised her voice slightly "I think the cookies we put in the oven are done, let's go check on them" Nini said pushing Gina out of the room.

She didn't want to be reminded of the several girls that Ricky had in his room before her. The way that he probably compared everything that she did to them and the possibility that she simply wasn't enough.

The girls pulled the cookies out of the oven and the beautiful aroma of freshly baked cookies filled the house.

"These smell amazing" Nini said as she took in the fresh scent of the cookies

Secretly in Love|Rini Au (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now