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"Wait, so you know who it is who's been blackmailing Nini? The person who hurt her?" Gina asked for clarification

"Yeah.I gotta go" Andrew grabbed his coat in a hurry. He was obviously angry and knew exactly where he was going.

"I'm going with you" Ricky blocked the door

"What? No you're not, this isn't your battle Rick"

"Considering the fact that Nini's my girlfriend, I'd say it is my battle." Ricky fired back "and my name is Ricky"

"Fine. Let's go" Andrew gave in. It was clear the Ricky wasn't going to drop this.

Ricky grabbed his coat and rushed out the door along with Andrew.

"So they just weren't going to talk any of that over with me" Nini asked trying to process what just happened right in front of her. She didn't even get a chance to speak, everything was happening so fast.

"I guess not" Gina shrugged



"So how exactly do you know who's doing this?" Ricky asked Andrew as he drove to some location that was unknown to Ricky.

"She's my crazy ex girlfriend. She was too stupid to use a text free number when she wanted to threaten someone" he said angrily

"You seem on edge. You need a shot of vodka or something" Ricky said and Andrew glared him "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Chill" he laughed

"I should be the one telling you to chill. I mean Nini is your girlfriend"

"Oh trust me, I'm upset. But I'm saving all my anger. Im saving all my anger for whoever is doing this to her." Ricky said before thinking for a second "Now that I think about it, why are you so mad"

"Because I'm so tired of her. She doesn't know how to leave me alone, and now she's hurting other people in my life. She isn't getting away with this"

"So what I'm hearing is, it's not one of the crazy girls I've fooled with for the first time, like ever"

"Don't speak too soon. The reason I broke up with her is because she kept cheating on me. After I was gone she realized how much she quote on quote loves me and went all Joe Goldberg on me"

"So you mean—"


Ricky sighed and sat back in his seat. If this girl was one of his previous conquests, he felt like this could possibly be partly his fault too.

"I can tell you her name if it'll help"

"Nahh it wouldn't help. I don't remember the names of most of the girls I've messed with" Ricky admitted

"That's messed up"

"Yeah, I know. I stopped for Nini. You can imagine how shocked I was when she gave me a chance."

"We're here" Andrew said and the two wasted no time getting out the car

"Umm are you hungry or something? This is the shake shack"

"I mean I am hungry but that's beside the point. She works here, and I know for a fact that she's working tonight"

"And you know that because..."

"Uhh that's not important, now come on!"

Ricky shrugged and followed Andrew into the restaurant.

"Hi is Scarlet here?" Andrew asked the first employee said and she pointed him in the direction of the girl.

Andrew wasted no time walking over to the girl, and grabbing her arm pulling her outside the store.

Secretly in Love|Rini Au (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now