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As they came out from the aquarium, James smiled widely while Emma stared at him in confusion. James saw her gaze as he just tilted his head at her.

"What?" Emma shrugged as she crossed her arms and squinted her eyes at his figure.
"Nothing. You look incredibly happy today. I wonder why." She mumbled as she raised her eyebrows up. James smiled cheekily as he also shrugged his shoulders.

"No reason. I also don't know why." Emma bit her lips and shook her head multiple times. She suddenly held her stomach and made an uncomfortable expression on her face made James stared at her.
"What's wrong with you? Are you alright?" James asked as he came closer to her.
"Yeah. I'm hungry." She blurted out made James scrunched up his nose in annoyance.

"I really thought you have a stomachache and such but you're a monster of eating. I forgot that." Emma glared and smacked his arms.
"I'm not!" James laughed and held his arms that was getting hit by her and pouted.
"It's hurt." Emma pouted too as she stared at him with her doe eyes.

"Really? I don't care." She said making James almost cursed under his breath.
"Ah, you're a monster then why aren't you eating like one at Danny's house? You look like a person who just came out from cage that never see people for a long time." He joked as Emma was about to hit him again but got stopped by a voice.

"Excuse me?" The manly voice spoke behind them both as they immediately turned and saw a fine young guy was standing there while smiling widely. Emma and James looked at each other first before Emma spoke out.
"Yes? Do you need any help?" The guy chuckled and shook his head. His eyes was fixed on Emma all the time. James noticed that and scoffed silently.

"Are you Emma and James?" They were a little bit taken aback by his question but nodded their heads afterwards.
"How do you know us?" Emma gently asked while James kept rolling his eyes annoyed.
"I saw you both on news." James gasped out loud.

"We were on news?! We were on television!" He said excitedly and clapped his hands like a kid while Emma shot him a weird look.
"Why were we on news?" James asked between his squeak.
"You guys saved those girls, remember? That's why you guys were on news." James and Emma nodded in understanding.

"Actually," The guy added.
"I want to say thank you." Emma tilted her head at him as she felt confused.
"For what?" She asked while James moved a little bit closer behind her and was curious too.
"You might know my mother." He spoke with a smile that never once left his face made Emma frowned a little and looked somewhere else, trying to figure out what he just said.

"She told me that you had helped her got back her own handbag." Emma was totally confused at first but then James gasped. Emma turned to him, still didn't know anything. James sighed.
"She might be the one that you helped her by throwing your shoes at the guy that stole her handbag. You know, at the convenience store?" He explained as he put his gaze on her. She tilted her head. James bit his lips in frustration.

"You stupid-"
"Ah! I remember now!" Emma cut him off as he pursued his lips. The guy chuckled as he nodded.
"I want to say thank you for that. You never know things in her handbag are all so important and precious." He spoke softly like a gentleman.
Emma chuckled and nodded her head, making James annoyed at her action. He even didn't know why.

"Actually, there is a picture of my late sister in her purse." Emma gasped while James slightly widen his eyes.
"My late sister hated to be in a picture. The picture we had only her passport. She died in a car crash. My mother wants to bring her picture with her everywhere so she puts the picture in her purse." Justin explained every single thing as he smiled sadly.
Emma sighed and looked down for a while before looking at Justin back. She smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Justin chuckled and nodded.
"By the way, are you guys together?" His question caught James and Emma off guard. Emma widen her eyes while James slightly bit his dry lips.
"No!" Emma yelled making Justin startled. He laughed.

"No need to yell. Sorry for thinking that." Emma laughed awkwardly while James poked his inner cheeks with his tongue. He looked pissed off.
"What are you doing here?" Emma suddenly asked making Justin smiled even wider.

"I work here. The person under the water that waved at you earlier, was me." He said making James tilted his head as he crossed his arms against his chest tapping his foot on the ground created a loud sound. Emma gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.

"So that was you!" Justin chuckled as he stared at her.
"Yeah it's me." He replied calmly. James sighed heavily and went closer to them.
"Do you want to chit chat here all day long?" James asked in frustration, making Emma glared at him while Justin scratched his neck in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry." Emma looked at Justin.
"No! No need to say sorry it's not your fault." Justin smiled while James rolled his eyes.
"I'll take my leave now." Justin said as he bowed a little while Emma did the same. As he went off from there, Emma immediately turned to face James as she smacked his arms, making him yelped in pain loudly.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He asked in anger. Emma laughed in disbelief.
"You literally just said something rude to him." James rolled his eyes and showed her his watch.
"It's almost evening and i want to eat." He said and left her alone. She tilted her head and followed him from behind.

What's the matter with him?


James suddenly headed to a nearby beach. Emma didn't say anything other than following him silently from behind. He seemed lost in his thoughts. He suddenly sat down on the sand, staring at the sea.

Emma sighed and sat beside him. She peeked on his watch and saw that it was 6 p.m. She stared at the sea too when suddenly James broke the silence between them.
"Do you still have parents?" His question made Emma wondered for a while.
"I do." James nodded in understanding.

"That's go-"
"But it feels like i don't have them." She cut him off. James slightly turned to her and saw she was looking down all the time.
"Why?" He softly asked. Emma played with the sand using her fingers, drawing here and there as she took a deep breath.

"I don't know how to say it. They are somehow... Don't exist in my mind." Her answer made James became curious as he kept staring at her.
"They are so busy with their job. They don't really have time for me. I mean, I know their duty to earn money for our family but, it feels wrong at some points." She said and she was wearing an unreadable expression.

"I am jealous looking at a happy family. I want to have one too. It's harder for me because they treat me nicely and not harsh. But, they will never know what i want." She smiled forcefully and looked at the sea.

"I want their love and attention, just like how other childs get from their parents." James sighed and looked down.
"You might think that it's better to have family than none. But for me," She turned to him and smiled.

"Everyone wants happiness."

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