Some Times

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Aubrey went out of the car as she looked at the mall in front of her. She saw Danny also got off the car and rushed to stand beside her.
"Let's go inside." Danny nodded and let his foot followed her up. She immediately went to the famous yet expensive clothes store, making Danny silently gasped.
"Give me some dress for a party." She spoke while her hands went through some clothes. She tilted her head upon seeing Danny's figure stood still beside her.
"Don't you want some clothes here? Go and take a look." Danny widen his eyes and shook his head.

"No thanks. I don't need one." She raised an eyebrow.
"Just go and get one." Danny was about to protest but she immediately cut him off.
"Go or else i will fire you." He froze and immediately rushed to the men clothes section. She looked at his figure from afar and smiled cheekily.


Emma groaned as she put the groceries on the floor in the house. She turned and glared at James who was busy licking his ice cream.
"You jerk. Do you only know how to eat ice cream? You really let me brought everything on our way home while you're enjoying your freaking ice cream." James looked at her clueless.

"Well, it's not my fault that you don't want an ice cream." She looked at him in disbelief.
"So what? What if i said i want one? What about the groceries?"
"Just left them behind." He said and licked his ice cream. She laughed out loud, can't believe what he just said.

"You really.. Are you sure you are a man?" James looked up.
"Of course." He said and winked at her made she annoyed. Her eyes wandered around the air, trying to find the watch that attached to the wall. She frowned.
"It almost night and time for dinner. Why Danny still not at home?" James shrugged his shoulders, eating his ice cream in a bite.

"Maybe he has so many works today." Emma nodded and began to keep the things at their places.
"What kind of people he works for?" She asked, feeling curious.
"The Miles family." She turned to him and furrowed her eyebrows.
"Miles family?" James nodded and took a seat near the counter of the kitchen.
"Mr Miles is the one who is smart in every building plans. Easy to say, he is a successful businessman. I heard he also has a daughter. Danny already worked for him for almost 2 years." Emma gasped in amusement.

"Wow! That's cool." James nodded.
"I hate to admit that but yeah, he's cool." He said and rested his arms on the counter.
"Should we cook something for him?" James jolted up his head and nodded.
"Of course. You can cook for him." He said pointing at her and got up. He was about to head to his room but he felt the sudden pull on his clothes made he stumbled backwards.
"Where do you think you're going, James?" He turned to her and frowned.

"Going to my room?" He answered unsure and chuckled nervously. Emma giggled and pulled his body made he stood beside her as she turned her head at him, making their faces closed. James gulped hardly.
"Help me to cook." He looked at her in disbelief and immediately released himself from her tight grips.
"What? I'm a man!" Emma folded her arms and looked at him.
"So what?"
"I don't know how to cook." She tilted her head.

"So? You want me to let you chill on the bed while I'm on a war with the kitchen?" He shrugged his shoulder and unknowingly he nodded making she looked at him in annoyance.
"Of course. That's your job as a woman." He said and turned around. Emma cursed under her breath and ran to him, jumping on his back as she gave him a headlock made his body fell and landed on the hard floor. James widen his eyes and immediately shouted in pain.

"Ow! You're so heavy! Get off me! Are you an elephant?!" Emma gasped and pulled his both ears made he yelled even more.
"Ow Ow!! It hurts!!" Emma smirked.
"How dare you called me an elephant? I'm gonna kill you!" She pulled his ears even harder made him annoyed. He immediately turned around their bodies made he was on top of her while she was under him. Emma's eyes widen at the quick transition. James breathed heavily and smirked.

"If you can do that then i can do the same too." He said and was about to attack her but the main door burst opened made them both froze.
"What is going on here?" Emma quickly pushed James off her body as his head hit the floor. He held his head in pain.
"Oww!!" Danny laughed out loud when he saw what happened to his friend. James sat up straight and glared at Emma.

"Hi Danny! I thought you will come home late." Danny chuckled at Emma's words.
"I came home a little late, am i? Well i have a story to tell you both." He smiled widely. James eyed him up  and down when his gaze stuck on a paper bag on his right hands. His eyes widen and rushed to the paper bag.
"God, man! Where did you get this?! Isn't this so expensive?" Danny smiled shyly and bit his lips.

"What?! Mr Miles's daughter came home?" James shouted loudly made Emma closed her ears annoyed. Danny smiled and nodded like a kid.
"Yeah. I just met her and Mr Miles told me to be her bodyguard for now." James nodded in understanding.
"What's her name?" Emma asked with curiosity.
"Aubrey Miles." Danny said with a smile. Emma chuckled.
"Is she pretty?" She asked again which made Danny looked down shyly. Again, he nodded.

"She's pretty." James squinted his eyes playfully at his one and only friend. He moved forward his body towards Danny who was still looking down all the time.
"Dude, don't tell me.." James blurted out, making Danny looked up at him. He raised an eyebrow.
"What?" James smiled sheepishly.
"You like her don't you?" Danny widen his eyes and shook his head multiple times, denying the fact.

"Just tell me, man. Let the cat out of the bag." He mocked his tone before, making Danny rolled his eyes.
"Shut up your mouth." He simply replied before standing up and headed to his room.
"Danny, do you want dinner?" Danny turned to Emma and shook his head.
"I already had one with Aubrey. Thanks for the offer by the way." He said and flashed her a small smile. Emma did the same and nodded as she saw Danny went inside his room. She turned around and saw James was fiddling with his fingers. His eyebrows were knitting together as he looked so serious. She frowned and went to the kitchen, taking some ingredients out for cooking.

"What's the matter with you?" James looked up at her and pouted hardly. Seemed like he was upset on something.
"Just look at him. Why didn't he just say that he likes her? Why he wants to keep it as a secret though?" Emma blinked her eyes at his statement.
"Love needs some times, James." She spoke softly, making he immediately looked at her.
"What do you mean?" She sighed and went to stand in front of him, putting her hands on the counter.

"You need some times to figure out your feeling towards someone. It's not like you will fall in love with someone immediately. Except if you fall in love at the first sight." James stared at her, trying to understand each words that came out from her mouth. He realised that she did have some good points. Emma smiled and left him alone when she saw he was deep in thinking.

James began to think. He did need some times to realise that he liked Emma. After everything that they went through, he realised he just fell in love with her. Not because of her looks, but because of her kind yet beautiful attitude that never failed to melt his heart that was once frozen because someone had broke it before.

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