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James blinked his eyes before averting his gaze back to the sea.
"But still, I don't want to be a very disgraceful child. I should be thankful i still have them as my parents." She spoke out and smiled alone, thinking how people would feel when they didn't have parents by their side.

"How funny life is." James blurted out those words made Emma turned to him and tilted her head a little.
"What do you mean?" James chuckled.
"Everything in this life is sure expensive and precious. People come and go, but if they stay, it feels like they never there in the first place. It's useless." Emma looked to the front and smiled.

"Yeah. That's how life is." She added making James grinned.
As they were focusing on staring at the sea while smiling, suddenly a boy came running to their direction made Emma frowned. The boy didn't look to the front yet he kept looking behind him while laughing loudly.

"James, why he was heading-" As the boy looked to the front, his eyes widen as he used his foot, trying to stop himself from bumping into James.
As he brake his body using his feet, unconditionally his both feet made the sand unfortunately landed on James's face as James closed his eyes tightly. Emma gasped loudly while the boy fell on the sand as he stared at James in shock.

"Here.." Emma continued her undone sentence as she saw the sand was covering his body while he still shut his eyes tight.
"Why is this happening to me- Ow! My eyes!" He shouted when he tried to open his eyes. Emma immediately moved closer to him as she panicked.

"Why why?!"
"There are some sand in my eyes!" He yelled and almost cried. The boy stood up and put his hands together, biting his lips. At the end, he burst into tears loudly made Emma and James flinched.

"W-Who is crying?!" James asked with his eyes closed. Emma's head didn't sit still as she looked to the boy and James. She bit her lips.
"The boy." She replied making James laughed in disbelief.

"Why are you crying?! I'm the one who got the sand into my eyes not you! Stop crying!" James suddenly shouted making Emma stared at him in disbelief. The boy cried even louder upon hearing James's shout. Emma didn't know what to do as James kept yelling at him. Emma sighed and went closer to the boy. She covered his ears, whispering something into his ears.

"Don't cry. Go and find your family. I'll handle him." She said and flashed him her small smile before went back to James, holding his hands in her grips.
James who was shouting immediately shut up his mouth upon feeling the soft yet gentle touch on his hands. He tried to open his eyes only to shout once again.

"Ow! It hurts!" Emma jumped in her place and immediately pulled him with her to somewhere else.
"W-Where are we going?!" Emma sighed.
"Just follow me. I'll find water nearby to wash your eyes." She replied as her hands tightly gripped on his hands, making he flustered.

Everything seemed happened in a slow motion for James. He peeked a little and although his eyesight was not that good, he could see her. He could see Emma was holding onto his hands and dragged him somewhere.
Her long black hair was waving right and left as the wind blew on it. She seemed too busy in finding water and everyone in their surroundings stared at them in confusion. She saw a restaurant and gasped. Without wasting any time, she rushed there with him.

"I'm sorry! Can i use the toilet for a while?!" Emma yelled as soon as she barged in. The woman who seemed to work there immediately nodded her head and pointed to a direction to where the toilet was. Emma smiled and pulled James with her again.

"Get down a little." She said as now they were in front of the sink in the toilet. James obeyed her as he bended down a little to the sink and buried his face inside. Emma opened the tap, letting the water ran down. She took some water in her palm, gently washed his eyes.

"Open your eyes a little." She said in a soft voice as James struggled to open his eyes a little bit. Emma immediately washed his eyes, let the sand out of his eyes.
"Come here." She spoke and James brought his head up, standing in front of her. She took some tissues in the toilet and wiped his face gently with her tiny little hands. James could feel her movement on his face and he slowly opened his eyes, meeting with her and saw she was focusing on his face.

Their faces were closed and James would never miss the chance to admired her. His eyes blinked slowly, trying hard to catch her every face sculptures perfectly.

She's pretty.

He thought while his eyes still on her.
Emma noticed his stare and abruptly stopped her action and put her hands on her both waist, staring at him as she raised an eyebrow.
"Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?" James blinked and slowly shook his head and Emma stepped back a little. She sighed.

"Are you feeling better now?" James smiled sheepishly and nodded. She looked at him annoyed.
"I can't believe you snapped back at the kid for crying loudly." She spoke in monotones. James shrugged his shoulders.

"I was talking the truth though. He made the sand came into my eyes and why he suddenly cried? Jeez, that kid." He snorted making Emma looked at him weirdly.
"You're the weirdest person I've ever met for sure." She said and left him alone. James tilted his head to his right and smiled before following her.

"Oh, it's night already." Emma said after she came out from the restaurant, after said thank you and more to the owner. James came out also after her and stared at the dark sky. He ruffled his own hair.
"Let's go home." He said and began to walk. Emma stared at him for few seconds before joining him.


"We're home." James spoke out, making Danny came out from his room and stared at both of them. His eyes widen when he saw James's eyes were red.
"Dude what happened to your eyes?!" He shouted and approached them both.

"An annoying boy kicked some sand and it came into my eyes." Danny blinked his eyes before laughing a little. James sent him a glare made him shut up his mouth immediately.
"You guys went out for so long. It's night already. Did you guys have dinner?" James and Emma exchanged looks and shook their heads in sync. Danny frowned hardly.

"Then what were you guys doing until night?"
"I don't know and don't ask too many. I'm hungry. Make us dinner please." James flashed Danny a sarcastic smile and went passed him, going into their shared room. Danny stared at him in disbelief.

"Do you need any help, Danny?" Emma asked while smiling made Danny also flashed his small smile. He shook his head and headed to the kitchen.
"You're tired. Go and fresh up yourself while I prepare the dinner for us."
"But-" Danny put a finger on his lips, indicating for her to shut her mouth up. She pursued her lips and nodded before going inside her room. Danny chuckled and turned around to start cooking.

"It feels like I have a little sister." He said and chuckled again.

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