Going To Wellington

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Few days later

"Are you ready?" James asked Emma who was still in her room. He was about to knock but Emma already opened it wide. She smiled at him and nodded.
"I'm ready." James flashed her a small smile as he held her hands and pulled her closer to him.

"I can't believe you guys will leave already." Danny said sadly with Aubrey beside him. They linked arms together, standing in front of James and Emma.
"Don't be too sad. We will come here again." Emma said and the moment she looked at Aubrey, she already had that pout on her face made Emma giggled. Aubrey went to Emma and they shared a hug. James smiled but he suddenly felt he got pulled into someone's hug and that person was no other than Danny.

"Don't forget me here, dude." Danny said while pretending to cry. James rolles his eyes and slightly pushed him.
"Keep your snot away from me. I don't want my clothes to be dirty." Danny immediately changed his expression to an annoyed one. He cursed under his breath as he folded his arms. James chuckled upon seeing his friend's cocky behaviour.

"Fine, dude. I will come here and meet you and Aubrey again. Maybe, on your wedding day." Danny's cheeks turned red as James smirked and went passed him.
"Don't forget to come here, okay?" Aubrey spoke to Emma. She giggled and nodded. These past few days, Danny kept bringing Aubrey to his house made Emma and Aubrey became closer. They spent their times together mostly. Right now, James and Emma decided to go back to Wellington since it already a month they stayed in Auckland.

"Let's go, shall we?" James asked as Emma nodded.
"Are you sure you want to go to the train station by bus? I can send you both there." Danny said again as James and Emma were already at the door, ready to leave. James smiled and nodded.
"Yeah. It's better that way." Danny rolled his eyes.
"You actually want to have your moments together with Em- Ow!!" His words got cut when Aubrey smacked his arms. She put a finger on her lips, indicating for him to be quiet. Danny pouted and clinged into her arms more.
"We'll leave now." Aubrey smiled and waved.

"Come back here in Auckland again!" Emma giggled and nodded.
"We will!"


James put their things on the top shelves as Emma helped him since their things were so many. James took a seat beside the window and he frowned when he saw Emma sat in front of him. The atmosphere was same just like when they first met.

"Why did you sit there?" James asked sadly.
"No reason. I can watch your face more clearly from here." She said and rested her albows on the tiny table between them, staring at him as a tint of red spread on James's cheeks.

"Do you remember when we first met?" She suddenly asked, making James chuckled.
"Of course i do." Emma smiled as she saw James crossed his arms and rested his back against the seat.

"Can you not sit there? I don't want my poor eyes to see you." He began to act.
"Like my eyes, they don't want to see the rude and arrogant people either." She played on. They looked at each other for a while before laughing loudly.

"Baby, don't sit there. Sit beside me so that i can hug you." James said as he pouted. Emma chuckled and moved to go beside him. She immediately put her head on his chest as James smiled widely and cuddled with her.
"You sure you want to meet my parents?" She asked to make sure of it. James played with her hands and nodded.

"Yes. I don't have anything to do in Wellington except for working. So i want to meet them."

James had told Emma that he was working at a small company which was handled by his own uncle and the salary was not that big, but it was enough for him. Now he had to work harder to gain money for Emma and him. He got the chance to go Auckland since his uncle himself gave him the reward to get holidays for his hard-working for the company.

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