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Summary: Dr

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Summary: Dr.Douche and y/n work together on a case and have to face the hotel room situation.

𝓢𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓻'𝓼 𝓹𝓸𝓿:

Screaming. Waking up to y/n screaming the words "ew" is not something I was looking forward to.

I was looking forward to sleeping in and waking up well rested but no. Y/n decided screaming would be the best way to wake me up.

Now at first I was shocked when I opened my eyes to see my arm draped over y/n's stomach dangerously close to the lace at the top of her panties.

That was this morning and this is now. I am currently sitting in the police station next to Derek drinking coffee.

We have absolutely no leads on this fucking case and even if we did I wouldn't be able to focus. I keep thinking about this morning and how incredibly awkward she has been around me.

She accidentally bumped into me when we were walking into the station and she practically sprinted away from me.

Now of course I do not blame her I mean, I would do the same thing, but Derek and Emily have taken a notice to me and her being awkward around each other.

I would totally tell Derek what happened if Derek wasn't so..Derek.

If I told him any of the events from this morning he would laugh in my face and then make fun of me for the rest of my existence.

"Reid, y/l/n is down at the crime scene and she needs someone down there with her." Hotch says as he walks into the room and I immediately sigh.

"Do I have to go down there with her?" I ask and he gives me a 'you know you have to.' Look.

I grab the keys to the SUV, grab my jacket, and head out the door.


𝓨/𝓷'𝓼 𝓹𝓸𝓿:

Calling Aaron Hotchner asking him to send someone out was a dumb fucking idea I know. But at the time I figured he would send out Derek not fucking Reid.

As the SUV pulls up I watch the tall man step out of the vehicle and dust off his black slacks. He looks up and his big buggy shaped eyeballs meet mine.

"Great it's you." I say and he ruffles his eyebrows in confusion.

"Yes it's me. Who else would it be."


"Of course you wanted your  'boyfriend' instead of me."

"What are you jealous?"

"Absolutely not." He says and I laugh.

"So about the hotel, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"It's alright Spencer I just didn't..expect you to be cuddled up to me." I said and he laughs.

"Yeah I didn't either."

"I'm glad we got past that." I say as we walk down a ditch to the crime scene. As I'm walking down the ditch I slip on the mud and Reid turns around and catches me.

Wow he's strong. Ew stop it.

"Wow careful." He says and i smile.

"I'm fine you dumbass." I say as I straighten myself out and he laughs at this.


"If I wasn't there y/n, you would have fallen on your ass and ate shit."

Is we wrong? No.

Should I be nice to him? Absolutely not.

"Shut the hell up reid."  I say as I hear him start to chuckle.


𝓢𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓻'𝓼 𝓹𝓸𝓿:

Was my afternoon with y/n bad? Yes.

Was it as bad as u thought it was going to be? Surprisingly no.

She was not nice to me but she was nicer than usual. I think I'm starting to make progress and her and I could possibly even be 'friends'.

I think Hotch was right when he said that sharing a hotel with her would make us not wanna kill eachother.

I only say this because she is currently sitting the lounge chair doing school work.

Did you know that she wants to leave the BAU to be a school teacher? She's only 24 and has almost her whole life done for. As for me I am 37
and have had the same job for over a decade.

Y/n wants to be a psychology professor and I think that's cool but I don't if it's worth her leaving the bau.

Not like I care if she does I just think her working at the bau is the better option.

Y/n's phone buzzes and she looks up at me.

"Your birthdays tomorrow, I can't belive your already 32." She says and i smirk.

"You do realize I'm not 8 years older than you right?"

"Oh yeah then how much older than me are you?" She asks and I chuckle.


She spits her drink out over this. I knew Derek told her I was 8 years older than her but I think he forgot to mention the part where he was kidding.

"Your gonna be 38?" She practically screams and I nod my head.


"Wow your old."

"Wow your young." I say and she giggles.

"I'm gonna go shower now." I say as I stand up and she smiles.

"Ok don't burn yourself."

"I won't."


God dammit.

Dammit dammit dammit.

I really hate relationships, especially after how my last one turned out. I mean we were married for  2 years and he never even had sex with me. He always said it wasn't the right time but whatever.

Yes I'm a 24 year old virgin and no I don't want to talk about it.

It's not like I've had any religion beliefs about my virginity, sex just isn't on my 'need to do' list of things.

I don't want to like Spencer at all I don't. I really hate him but for a silver of moments today and right now, I find myself feeling things for him I've never felt for anyone. Not even for my ex husband Jeramy.

It didn't help that while I was sitting here watching TV and eating macaroni and cheese,he came out of the bathroom with only a towel around his hips revealing his v-line.

In his defense he had to grab his clothes but oh my unholy god did he look good.

Am I crushing on him? Maybe.

Am I scared of falling? Yes.

God damn fuck Spencer Reid.

A/N: I think I'll change my uploading day to Wednesday since it's the least busiest day on my schedule atm.

But seriously thank u all for 100 reads I love u all!!

Have a good day. Ily <3

Fuck you Spencer Reid (𝓻𝓮𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷)Where stories live. Discover now