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4 years later....

"Mommy hurry up!" Finn says as he waits impatiently at the door with Spencer.

"I'm coming hold on!"

"Y/n he can't be late! It's his first day of kindergarten." Spencer exclaims as I quickly walk out of our bedroom and grab the keys.

"He won't be late Spence! Let's go!" I say as we all quickly usher out the door and down the stairs to the car.

Traffic is a bitch today.

Of course it is.

The one fucking day I need it to be good it's not.

This is absolutely the most annoying thing to happen to me.

The cars finally start moving and I try my hardest to get Finn to school on time.

I successfully got him there.

I even did the whole stupid picture things.

Finn looked adorable in his suspenders and I think Spencer would agree with that statement.

"Okay I got to go bye!" Finn says as he tries to go into the school.

"I need a hug wait!" I say as Finn quickly turns around and runs to give me and Spence a hug goodbye.

"I'll be here at 3:00 okay!"

"Alright mom, bye!" Finn says as he runs into the building.

I quickly get into the car and for some reason I'm crying.

"Are you alright?" Spencer asks and I shake my head.

"He's growing up so fast Spencer. My pregnancy hormones can't handle this right now!" I say and then immediately tense up as I realize what I just said.

I haven't told Spencer I was pregnant yet, and I haven't even told Finn either.

"You're pregnant?" Spencer asks with a smile on his face and i slowly nod.

"Y/n this is incredible!" He says as he leans over and kisses me.

"I always wanted another one I-"

"I was going to tell you I just got busy and I-"

"It's okay! I love you! Thank you!" He says as he kisses me again.

"Thank you? For what?"

"For giving me everything I've ever needed. I love you so much y/n."

"I love you too Spencer."

The end :)

A/n: it's the end. This story is officially over :)

I've had so much fun rewriting this story and thank u guys so fucking much for supporting me.

Love you all!!


Fuck you Spencer Reid (𝓻𝓮𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷)Where stories live. Discover now