𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 31 *

522 11 2

summary: Spencer and Y/n go on their honeymoon

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summary: Spencer and Y/n go on their honeymoon.

Warnings: smut.
𝗬/𝗻'𝘀 𝗽𝗼𝘃:

"Isn't it beautiful?" Spencer asks with a wide smirk on his face.

"Very beautiful."

"I knew you would love Malibu."

Spencer and I's flight landed 20 minutes ago.

Spencer decided to take me on a honeymoon to one of his favorite places.

"You never told me why you've been here before." I say as I slowly start to pack my clothes in the hotel drawers.

"I came here with an old ex of mine." He says and my interest immediately perks up.

"An ex? Was it Maeve?"

Spencer smiles at the thought and looks at me.

"No, it wasn't Maeve. She hated Palm trees and the heat."

"Then who was it?"


Wait, the girl he lost his virginity to?

"Elle Greenaway? You guys dated?"

"For a little while yeah, she was my first love." He says as he slowly folds his clothes.

"So does being here remind you of her?"

"It used to.." he says honestly.

"...but I wanted to bring you here to make new memories. I love you y/n."

"I love you too Spencer."

We finish putting clothes away and he immediately tells me to put on my bikini to hit the beach.

I finish putting it on and come out of the bathroom to see my husband standing with bright blue swim trunks on.

"You look five."

"And you look hot." Spencer says as his eyes slowly raked up and down my body staying at my chest area the longest.

Spencer walks over to me and pulls on my top making the strap snap against my skin.

"Your boobs look good." He says with a playful smile and I immediately smack his arm.

"Stop it!"

"Come on, let's go!"

I quickly pick up the beach bag and follow Spencer out the doors and into our rental car.

We drive to the beach and I smile as the songs 'Sad Valentine' plays next on my playlist.

"Spencer are you rhythmically tapping your fingers against the steering wheel?"

"Yes." He says with a smile and I immediately lean over and kiss his cheek.

𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫:

It all happened so fast. Her hands in my hair, her hips slamming against the back of the island counter.

It all happened so fast.

She quickly wrapped her legs around my waist and let a soft whimper pass her lips at the feeling of my erection pressed against her clothed heat.

I feel myself smirk at this, and quickly reach behind  her to pull off her red bikini top while still managing to kiss her lips as much as I can.

Y/n slowly rubbed her aching clothed clit against me. I quickly groaned at this act and quickly took my shirt off and picked her up while walking us closer to the kitchen island.

I slowly layed her on her back and quickly leaned over top of her and kissed her with such passion and such force before I pulled away to pull down my swimming trunks.

I slowly rubbed the head of my cock against her clothed clit and watched her shutter at the feeling.

I slowly pulled her bikini bottoms down her legs and threw them to the side.

I quickly placed my hands on her hips and brought her hips up to mine, filling her up entirely with ease.

I thrusted into her quickly and mercilessly, setting a quick, hard pace that had y/n a mess underneath me.

Moans and whines fell from her lips as I quickly pounded in and out, hitting her g-spot each and every single time.

Her nails harshly dug into my shoulders, leaving crescent moon marks in their wake. How could sex be this overwhelmingly amazing?

My hand quickly snaked down between our bodies, finding a way to her eager clit and she lets out a muffled whine as I immediately start rubbing.

That is when Y/n finally had hit her orgasm. Her body was twitching uncontrollably and her moans...god her moans were like music to my ears.

I groaned at the feeling of her heat clenching around me, almost trying to milk me of my own juices.

It wasn't much longer until I was moaning and releasing myself inside of the condom.

I slowly pulled out of her and quickly threw away the condom. When I looked up I saw my beautiful bride laying on the island counter with a sleepy expression on her face.

"God, you just keep getting better and better at that."

"I know." I say as I quickly pick her up and wrap her in a blanket and set her on the couch.

"Spencer I'm naked."

"So am I." I say and I watch her smile grow.

"So...we will be having more sex then?"

"Of course we will my love." I say as I kiss her forehead.

A/n I literally couldn't write smut for some reason so I just stole my smut from my Anakin Skywalker fic that's in my drafts and changed it up a bit.

We have one more chapter left and then the epilogue :)


Fuck you Spencer Reid (𝓻𝓮𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷)Where stories live. Discover now