𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 28 (part two) *

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Summary: Spencer and y/n have sex

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Summary: Spencer and y/n have sex

Spencer's pov:
"Shit." Y/n breaths out as she pulls away from
our kiss.

I slowly kiss up her neck and smirk to myslef as I hear her breathing pick up.

I slowly lead her into the kitchen and prop her up on the counter top.

I grip the back of her head as hard as I could, pressing her lips to mine. I grind my hips into her, rubbing myself against her harshly while I watch her face carefully.

Every time I rubbed against her, her breathing picked up and moans threatened to leave the back of her throat.

I rip her shirt off of her and I smirk to myself as I see she's not wearing a bra.

"No bra? Good girl." I say and she lets out a soft moan making my dick twitch in my pants.

I slowly roll her nipple in between my ring finger and my middle finger .

Y/n's mouth was greedy, but mine was greedier. I wanted her, I missed the way her tight, beautiful pussy felt on my aching cock.

"Y/n.." I whisper carefully in her ear.

"..I want to be inside of you, is that okay?"

Y/n carefully bit her lip and nodded.

I quickly pulled down, and kicked off my pjama pants as y/n quickly kicked off her skirt and her lacy  white thong.

I slowly pumped myself and watched in shock as I saw y/n's pussy dripping, waiting for me.

I slowly rubbed the head of my cock against her clit and smiled as I felt her shiver under my touch.

"Please.." she begs.

"Please what?"

"Please just-shit. Please Spencer, fuck me."

I wasted no time, I rammed  myself into her hard-and without warning.

She moaned in 2 and I quickly placed my hands under her thighs and picked her up off of the counter.

I fucked her harder, and harder, burying myself into  the slick walls of her pussy.

I thought I was going to lose myself then and there, but i shuttered as I heard her soft velvet voice whisper "more".

I slammed into her harder and shuttered as she moaned into my ear.

I was lost to myself, lost to her, and lost to the world around us and everything except for her squeals and grunts in my ear and her dripping wet cunt on my cock.

She was perfect and I was fucking her and I didn't give a single fuck about anything besides my dick and filling y/n's tight cunt with my cum.

To hear her screaming my name, to hear her gasping and screaming as I planted myself deep inside her.

"Right there Spencer, right there!" She moaned out.

"Do you want me to fill that pretty cunt with my cum hm? Do you want me to fill you to the brim with my seed?"

"Yes! Please Spencer please!"

Deeper, I had to get deeper even though I knew there was no actual, physical way I could be deeper, and then I took her mouth, kissing her with passion.

We could both hardly breathe  and we had beads and beads of sweat rolling down out foreheads. And I fucked her all the while, feeling her tighten and shudder as she finally broke underneath me.

Her orgasm rippled through her body as I kept on fucking her.

I kept fucking her as hard as I could until eventually, I fell apart too.

Y/n's hips slowly rocked against mine as we both came down from our high. I gave a few last thrusts,milking every last drop of cum I had left.

I pulled out of her and breathlessly, watched as my cum pooled out of her.

"You're so lucky I went back on the pill after having Finn." She gasped out breathlessly.

I slowly kiss her face and then pull away to look at her.

Her cheeks were flushed and she had a sleepy smile rested on her lips.

"Don't worry, I'll still go pick up some plan B just in case." I say as I watch a soft smile cover her face.

"I love you."

I slowly place my hand at the nape of her neck and kiss her softly.

"Let's get you cleaned up." I say softly as I carry her to the bathroom.

I set her on the sink and grab a little bit of toilet paper and carefully clean up the mess I had left behind.

Y/n shuttered under my touch and I smile.

"You're still so sensitive aren't you?" I ask and she smiles.

After I clean her up, I leave her alone so she can go to the bathroom.

Once she finishes, I slowly pick her up and carry her to the living room and grab a soft blanket and cover her up with it.

"I'm going to go get dressed and then go pick up some plan b."

"Thank you Spencer, I love you."

"I love you more." I say softly.

A/n: ...so how was that for smut.

(Guys can u tell I'm a virgin😭😭)

Anyways, I hope u guys enjoyed that!! I love u all <33


Fuck you Spencer Reid (𝓻𝓮𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷)Where stories live. Discover now