𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 30 *

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Summary: Spencer and Y/n get married

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Summary: Spencer and Y/n get married.

Warnings: smut

Y/n's pov:

"Is this...really what you want?" My mother asks for the a thousandth time.

My mother.

Sherri y/l/n.

The craziest most self centered woman I have ever met.

"Yes mom, this is wholeheartedly what I want." I say as I finish lacing my white converse.

"Those shoes look absolutely stupid with that dress."

"I don't care, I'm wearing them."

Yes, I'm wearing white converse at my wedding. Mostly so I don't trip and break my leg while walking down the aisle.

"Y/n they're ready for you." Penelope says as she quickly peaks her head in.

Penelope stops long enough to soak in my dress and hair and smiles.

"Wow..you look beautiful." She says with a smile.

"Thanks Penny!" I say as I quickly follow her out of the door and meet Derek who's waiting to walk me down the aisle since my dad couldn't make it.

"You look gorgeous brainiac."

"Shut up." I say as I quickly hit Derek on the shoulder and loop my arm with his.

The music starts and Derek cautiously walks me down the aisle.

I smile at the team who's all sitting together and laugh to myself when I see Hotch smiling at us.

As I get closer to Spencer, I see Henry and my cousin Lilah standing with the rings and flowers.

Lilah is my flower girl, I promised her she could be.

We slowly come to a stop and Derek let's go of me and gives me a quick hug.

I slowly walk up the steps where I am met with Spencer who is smiling extremely wide at me.

"You look..beautiful." He whispers and I smile.

We both gave our vows and I said I do, after that we danced with our guests and drank with the team.

Emily and Garcia got so drunk they started to cry all over me and JJ and sobbed over going to die alone.

Once spencer and I got to our room, we set down our things and he smiled at me.


"We are alone."

Shit, he's right.

We are alone.

JJ is watching Finn for us, and we don't pick him up until next weekend.

"You seem happy."

"We can have all the sex we want without worrying about waking him up or him coming in." He says with a smirk.

"That little cockblocker..." I later hear him mumble and i laugh at this.

"I need to shower, I have at least a pound of hairspray in my hair."

"Shower sex...?" He asks and I smirk.

"Yes please."

As the water fell down my back I felt Spencer pull my back closer to his chest, he was kissing down my neck leaving multiple hickeys.

He kissed my sweet spot on my neck every time, making my skin tingle and making me smile.

He then snaked his hand slowly down to my clit and started rubbing it in a circular motion while still kissing that sweet spot on my neck.

I let out a soft moan in Spencer's ear, causing him to smirk.

"Someone is needy.."

"Shut up." I quickly reply as I pull him in for a kiss.

He pushed me up against the glass door of the shower and started to kiss down the neck where he left the hickeys down my shoulder.

Spencer ran his hand up and down his length slowly and I couldn't help but watch.

I was mesmerized by his movements.

His eyes met mine and he smirked.

"Turn around."  He mumbled and I quickly do as I'm told.

He slowly entered me and I bit my lip trying to hold back any moans that dared to slip out.

"Don't be so quiet..." he said as he leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"..I want to hear you."

He slowly thrusted in and out of me, getting deeper every time he entered me.

Spencer was groaning right in my ear which was turning me on even more, my arms where slipping down the hot showers glass while he tightened his grasp on my hips pulling me in at a much faster pace which caused me to go over the edge.

He kept thrusting in and out you as I finished my orgasm, he finished just seconds after I did.

I was trying to catch my breath as he slowly pulled out of me causing me to let out a moan from the loss of contact.

"Let me wash your hair Mrs. Reid." Spencer says as I watch him pour Shampoo on his hand.

I smile as Spencer softly massages the soap into my hair.

Spencer eventually finishes washing my hair, and I quickly wash his.

I looked at him and he was turning the water off. He grabbed out towels and I immediately wrapped up in it.

I slowly stepped out of the shower and grabbed a hair brush combing out all of my snarles.

I went into my room to get dressed as I felt Spencer's hands on my hips as he started kissing my neck again.

"What do you say we give it a round two?" He said and I smiled.

"Yes please."

A/n: our happy couple is finally married :)

Fuck you Spencer Reid (𝓻𝓮𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷)Where stories live. Discover now