𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 18 *

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 Summary: Emily takes reader's blood for a strange, unknown reason

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Summary: Emily takes reader's blood for a strange, unknown reason. Spencer and reader do the devils tango.

Content warning: There is a mature scene aka Sex just be advised.

Waking up next to Reid was not as amazing as it usually was.

Especially sense we are in a police station, sleeping on a damn air mattress.

Spencer made it better though.

He always found some way to make sure I was alright.

"Hey, look who's up!" I hear a overly familiar voice say as I look up to be met with Emily's big beautiful eyes.

Has she always been this pretty?

"I brought you a coffee." She says as she hands me the cup and I thank her.

"And i need to take your blood quick." She says and i furrow my eyebrows.


"I- i can't tell you, Hotch's orders." she says and i sigh.

I roll up my sleeve and she sticks me with the needle.

Emily sits next to me on the air mattress and smiles.

Thank god i have a blanket over me...I am not wearing pants.

"So..how have things been?"


Ah yes, the small talk while she steals my blood for a private reason.

"How are you and Spence doing?"

"Good, really good. I'm really grateful for him." I say answering her truthfully.

Emily smiles at me and I feel my heart fluttter.

If I wasn't a bisexual, that would've probably been a strange interaction.

"You two seem really happy together!" She says as she finishes taking my blood and stands up.

"I am gonna go help the team on the case, it was nice talking to you y/n." She says as she stands up and Spencer enters.

"Hey sleepyhead!" Spence says as he walks into the room and sits on the air partially flat air mattress with

"Hi!" I say as I wrap my hands around his neck and kiss him with passion.

Fuck you Spencer Reid (𝓻𝓮𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷)Where stories live. Discover now