𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 12 *

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Summary: y/n and Spencer come to a decision

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Summary: y/n and Spencer come to a decision.

Warning: this chapter contains sexual content, viewer discretion is advised.

𝓨/𝓷'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥:

I woke up laying in Spencer's chest.

We decided to go to his apartment after the case to rest up.

Nothing sexual happened just a lot of...kissing.

My head was laying on his chest and we were laying on his couch.

I glanced up at the clock to see that it was 9:30 and smiled.

He's sleeping.

The nightmares haven't been bothering him.

Spencer has had nightmares for as long as I've known him even when I hated him.

Sometimes if we'd share rooms I would even have to try and calm him down which didn't always work.

I decided to grab the remote, turn on south park, and lay back down in his chest.

I pulled the soft blanket back over us and cuddles into Spencer and decided to go back to sleep.

I woke up again to the feeling of arms being warped around my lower back and soft kisses being placed against my neck.

"Good morning.." Spencer mumbles and I smile.

"Good morning Spencer." I say as I lift my head up ghosting my lips against his.

"You seem..excited this morning." I say as I feel his bulge against me.

God is this man always horny?

"Im excited every morning, but now more than ever since you're laying on top of me." He says smirking as he brings our lips together.

I smile into the kiss but pull away to look at him.

"How bad do you want this?" He asks in a sarcastic tone, but I didn't comprehend that it was sarcastic and answered honestly.

"Badly, very very badly." I say as I start to grind against his bulge.

"WOAH HOLD ON." He says as he holds my hips still and looks at me.

"Wait, does this mean you're ready?" He asks and I smile.

"Yes Spencer, I am." I whisper in his ear as I feel him shiver underneath me.

"Y/n If we do this, we need to move to my bedroom. I don't want you're first time to be on my living room couch." He says and i laugh.

"Let's go then." I say but just as I was about to get up, I felt him scoop me up and carry me to his bedroom.

As he carried me to his bedroom I feel myself grow a tad bit nervous.

Sex has never been something that I just needed to happen, in fact I never cared about it.

Fuck you Spencer Reid (𝓻𝓮𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷)Where stories live. Discover now