𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 20

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Summary: reader and Spencer discuss options about the pregnancy

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Summary: reader and Spencer discuss options about the pregnancy.


𝙔/𝙣'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫:

"Spencer there's a lot I haven't told you." I say and Emily looks at me.

"Like you being pregnant?" Emily says and my eyes grow wide.

"I-I'm wh-what?"

Spencer turned to look at Emily and then at me, his big beautiful eyes super wide.

"Y-your pregnant?" Derek asks quietly, his voice so quiet that I can barely hear him.

"I-I didn't know." I reply honestly.

I don't want kids. I've never wanted kids.

I cant be a mother and I- there's just no possible way that I could ever handle being a mom.

I look up and see Em staring at me.

"Is that what the blood was for?" I ask honestly and she nods.

I feel a lump form in my throat and I look away from her avoiding eye contact.

"Y/n..what are we going to do?" Spencer asks and I look down.

"I don't know."

"Y/n don't be mad at Emily for this, I was the one who wanted you blood tested. I thought you were..sick and wanted to make sure you were alright."

I close my eyes and slowly breath.

Spencer grabs my hand and leads me in the direction of our room.

"We'll be right back." He says as we walk to our room.

As we walk into the room I immediately sit on the air mattress and put my head in my hands.

Spencer closes the door and looks down at me.

"Y/n." He says but ignore him, trying my best to avoid our current situation.

"Y/n look at me!" He says and I look up at him.

His face softens as he sees my eyes starting to tear up.

He immediately comes and sits next to me and wraps an arm around me to rub my back.

"Y/n we have to talk about this." He says and I nod my head in agreement.

"Y/n I-do you want to keep it?"

"I don't know." I whisper and he looks down.

"Y/n it's your choice, I'll support you and our new baby no matter what the decision is."

I feel the tears start to flow down my face and I look at him.

His hand slowly makes its way to the side of my face and he kisses my lips softly.

"Do you think you're ready for a kid?"

"I-I didn't even want kids." I say and he looks down towards his feet again.



"If you don't want a baby right now or ever, I'll understand. We just,  we need to come to a decision." He says and I look at him.

"I-I don't know how far a long I am." I mumble.

He looks up at me and is clearly confused.

"I just, I don't want to make a decision until I know how far along I am."

Spencer nods and asks "Should we schedule an appointment?"

I immediately nod and he holds me close.

"I love you y/n."

"I love you too..so much Spencer." I mumble.

"Do you want me to make an appointment?"

"Yes please." I whisper and he kisses my forehead.

𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧'𝙨 𝙥𝙤𝙫:

She's pregnant.

The girl I love is pregnant with my child.

Do I want kids? Honestly, I don't know.

I'm scared I would hurt them the same way mine hurt me.

Y/n doesn't want kids, or at least doesn't think she would be a good mother.

I think she'd be a spectacular mother.

She has a beautiful caring heart, and she's always passionate about what she does and I love that about her.

I've always loved that about her.

We've almost been together for a year and I guess I should've seen this coming but I'm still nervous.

I'm not cut out to be a dad.

I will support her no matter the decision.

I pick up my phone and make the appointment to see how far along she is.

I understand why she wanted to know.

She's sleeping peacefully on the air mattress and I can't help but smile at her.

She's beautiful, she's an angel.

I walk out of the room and head to the main room where everyone is sitting.

"So pretty boys gonna be a daddy?" Derek asks while smiling.

"If we decide to keep it." I say and they look at me.

"Why wouldn't you keep it?" JJ asks and I look at her.

"I don't know if we're ready for kids."

"Oh.." she says softly.

"That's okay" Penelope chimes in.

"Knowing if your ready or not is key to a good relationship...or marriage.." Hotch says as he puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Ma-marriage?" I say and Hotch for the first time in months laughed at me.

After Hotch's ex-wife Haley died, he just, wasn't the same.

He still was my boss obviously but deep down, my friend was still there still...distant.

"I'm kidding,calm down." He says through chuckles.

I immediately feel myself relax and sit down in the chair next to Rossi.

"So the genius's might be having a baby?"


"That kids gonna be a super nerd.."

"Hey!" I say as I swat his shoulder.

He is right though.

Between Y/n'a love for star wars and mine for Star Trek, it will be a gift if our child isn't a nerd.


Hello guys!!

Thank u so much for 3k reads!!

Super thankful and grateful for all of u.

I love you all and have a good Valentine's Day on Monday <3

Luv u all!!


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