𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 28 (part one)

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Summary: Derek helps Spencer plan the perfect proposal

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Summary: Derek helps Spencer plan the perfect proposal..

Y/n's pov:

Time jump: 2 years

Finnly is officially 2 years old. His birthday was last week Friday.

I told Spencer I'd be ready to get married once Finn could walk...he's been walking for a whole year now.

Finnly says a lot of words now.

Some of those words being mama and dada and also shit.

He also occasionally mumbles things I can't really understand.

I think he's trying to speak in full sentences but I honestly can't tell.

Spencer can tell. Spencer is actually the one that tends to understand him.

Spencer is an amazing dad.

Finn likes to watch Hockey with me when it's on.

I even bought Finn a  mini hockey stick for him to play with along with a plastic puck.

Spencer has no idea what's happening when we watch hockey, I find it adorable.

Call me crazy but I think Spencer is going to propose. The only reason I sense this is because he's been acting very strange around me and he's been secretive.

Spencer's never secretive, especially when it comes to me.

"Mama!" Finnly says as he runs through the door with Spencer.

I immediately scoop up Finn and kiss his soft face.

"How was the park?"


"Fine.." Spencer says as he puts down the diaper bag.

"What's wrong Spencer?"

"Nothing...I just kind of suck at playing tag."

I let out one of the loudest chuckles in all of history.

The Spencer Reid is bad at tag?

I would've never guessed.

"What do you want for lunch Finn?"

"Dinosaur nuggets!"

Of course.

Spencer has got him on a dinosaur kick right now and Spencer introduced him to the dinosaur shaped nuggets.

I think Spencer's jealous he has to share his chicken nuggets with a kid but he'll get over it...eventually.

"Mommy?" Finnly asks softly.

"Yeah Finn?"

"Cartoons." Is all he sputters out and I smile.

Fuck you Spencer Reid (𝓻𝓮𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷)Where stories live. Discover now