𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 23

628 14 21

Summary: y/n wakes up at Jeramy's and Spencer tells off Hotchner

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Summary: y/n wakes up at Jeramy's and Spencer tells off Hotchner.

Spencer's pov:

Derek and I arrive at the station and I feel myself shut down.

The worry sets in.

The worry, the feeling I've never thought I'd feel.

My pregnant girlfriend is missing and I'm certain it was her Ex husband who did it too.

"Spencer what was she wearing when you last saw her?" Emily asks and Derek answers for me.

"Yellow t-shirt and sweatpants."

"My t-shirt." I say quietly and Emily walks over to me.

She grabs my hand and it holds is in hers. "We will find her Spencer. I promise you."

I look up at her and she's staring at me, the motherly-almost comforting look in her eyes.

"Please, I- I can't live without her." I say softly.

"We will find her but until we do, Spencer I'm taking you off the case." Hotch says and I immediately look up at him.

"No, I'm not getting taken off of this case."

"Spencer your mind snot in the right place and I-"

"No." I state firmly as I slam my hands down on the table in front of me.

"I am not being taken off of this case, the women I love is in danger and I will not fuck it up like you did with Hailey and get her killed." I shout.

Hotch is taken back by this and immediately I feel bad.

"Hotch I'm sorry I didn't mean it I'm just-"

"I know, it's okay Spencer." He says as he looks down.

"You'll stay on the case just, stay focused."

I nod and immediately head to the back room to gather up any information I can find, or think of.

Y/n's pov:

I wake up in an incredibly unfamiliar white bedroom.

The bed I'm laying in is incredibly comfortable and the arms round my waist is-

Wait, who's arm is around my waist?

It isn't Spencer's it's more...hairy than his and my hand is..ow.. my hand is handcuffed to the headboard.


Suddenly I feel movement within the bed and the hand around my waist, creeps down to the side of my thigh.

"Good morning angel." I hear the over familiar voice say and I immediately know who it is.


I could do two things right now:

One- I could fight back from him which would get me no where since I'm already...chained to bed.


Two- play along so he doesn't hurt me and give the team time to find me.

Yup, I think I'll play along.

"Good morning muffin." I say sweetly.

Jeramy rolls so I'm facing him and smiles sweetly at me.

Ugly bastard

"You haven't changed..I knew you still
loved me."  he whispers as he leans in and places an incredibly sloppy and awful kiss on my lips.

He's been drinking, I can taste the whiskey on his breath.

I can't do anything to set him off.  I have to be careful with my words..as usual.

"You know me better than anyone.." I say softly and the look on his face looks...mad.

"Even better than Spencer?" He says.


"Yes." I say quickly as I feel his hand on the side of my face.

"Muffin...can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Can you take the handcuff off of my wrist, it really hurts and I-"

"Of course, let me go get the key." He says softly as he gets up and walks to what I can imagine is the kitchen.

He returns only moments later with a key and comes to my side and uncuffs me.

"You're so beautiful." He says as he kisses my wrist.


"So beautiful and you're mine..all mine." He says.

Jesus Christ.

"All yours, forever." I say sweetly.

He kisses up my arm and to my neck slowly.

"Are you getting wet?" He asks softly.

Nope, dryer than the Sahara Desert actually, but whatever.

"Yes." I say.


He's so fucking pathetic, my god.

Spencer's POV:

"She's here." I say as I look up at Derek.

"How do you know?"

"Jeramy loves her, he would never take her to a dirty old wear house. He knows she would hate that, he would've brought her to the house since it's nice and clean and it's his house. He thinks since his house is in the open it's not...obvious where he is but it in fact is." I say and Derek smiles.

"You're right, come on." He says.

The team and I head up and head in the SUV's and quickly drive to the location.

I hope she's okay.


I hope u enjoy the new chapter :))
(I've been so busy sorry this is incredibly late)

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