𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 11

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Summary: Spencer and Cat play a game

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Summary: Spencer and Cat play a game. (Also this whole chapter is in Spencer's POV )

"Pardon?" I say as I finish taking a sip of my water which was way to cold by the way.

"Your wife.." she says chuckling.

"..tell me about her."


She knows fuck.

What do I do!?

I cant describe a woman that doesn't exist!

Guess I'll just use y/n.

"She's incredibly annoying." I say and I watch cat smile.

"What else?"

"She's beautiful. But not the kind of beautiful that you see on the Tv shows, she's beautiful in the way she speaks, in the way she laughs, in her personality. She's beautiful."

"Doesn't sound like you hate her."

"You didn't let me finish." I say.

"She's beautiful on the outside, but not on the inside."

Cat raises her eyebrows at this.

She leans in closer to me and smiles.

"Oh do tell me more." She states.

"She's one of the rudest most mouthiest person I've ever met. She cares more about our daughter than me, and she's been sleeping with my best-friends I know she has." I lie.

Cat smiles at this.

She's interested.

Thank god.

"This doesn't happen to be y/n y/l/n right? Or Jennifer Jaru?" She says and i gulp.

Never mind.


"I know everything Spencer." She says as she smirks at me.

"I may ask. How did you know?"

"I stalked everyone in your unit months ago in case something like this happened and well, it did." She says smiling as i see her hands move under the table.

Great she has a gun.

Shit shit shit shit.

"Spencer calm down." I hear Hotch say in my ear piece.

"Yeah Spencer, calm down."

God dammit.

"IM CALM ENOUGH!" I say as my voice goes about an octave higher and I see y/n looking at me with a confused look on her face.

"Spencer, do you like games?" She asks me and I look at her a little shocked.

Games. Ah yes. I love games they are technically one of the greatest exercises for your mine and I well, no need to brag but I never lose.

"Of course I like games.." I say and she smirks.


I raise my eyebrows and think.

What game could she possibly want to play?

Not that I'm worried of course.

I have nothing to be afraid of anyways.

I'm a god at games and it just happens to be that she is too.

"It should be known that I literally never lose Spencer."

She says and I smirk.


2 hours.

We have been sitting here for 2 fucking hours.

Cat is kicking my ass at this shit.

She's kicked out everyone that she saw worked for the BAU except Derek and Emily.

"How about you..."

"I what?" I ask and she smiles.

"Tell me where my dad is."

"He's outside waiting for you." I said and she sighed.

"Is he really? How'd you even find him." She says very confused and I smirk.

She's faking for it.

"I work for the FBI honey, I can find anyone." I say and she smirks.

"Alright I want to see him." She says and I smile.

"Right this way Ms.Adams."

We walk past Derek's table and he smirks.

He's proud.

As we head outside she doesn't see her dad. Instead, she sees all of the cop cars lined out in front of the restaurant we were at.

"Shit." She says as I walk her over to the vehicle and strap her in.

"YOU LIAR!" She shouts at me and I see her eyes filling with tears.

"If it makes you feel any better, I did try to find him yknow." I said and she sighed.

"He's dead, he actually died a few months ago." I say again and she softly smiles.

"Thanks Dr.Reid."

"Mhm" I say as I ate out of the vehicle and close the door.

As I step away from the vehicle I see Y/n running towards me.

She runs up to me and practically springs into my arms basically forcing me to catch her.

She wraps her arms around me as she hugs me tight and kisses me.


In front of everyone.

Damn. She's getting bold.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She says as she rests her head against mine.

"I told you I would be." I say smiling as I kiss her gently.

We pull away from the kiss to see Derek,Emily,and JJ all smiling at us widely.

"I KNEW IT!" JJ said.

"Derek hand me my 70 dollars." She said and Derek sighed.

"Dammit, fine." He says as he pulls out his wallet.

"You guys were betting on us?" I ask and they all smirk.

"Maybeee." Says Emily and she starts to giggle.

Oh my god.


A/N: short chapter :(

Sorry I didn't write last week. I am running out of ideas lmaoo.

Love you all and I hope you enjoyed it!

Also thank you for 800 reads I rlly appreciate it :)


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