𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 25

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Spencer's POV:

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Spencer's POV:

5 months later...

"Y/n please, you have to eat something." I say as I set down the cup of pudding.

Y/n has been healing with therapy for months and she's finally starting to come back to her old self again.

She hasn't ate since we've been in the hospital unless ice chips count. Instead, she's been sleeping every day all day, and complaining about how uncomfortable she is.

She is 8 months pregnant and her belly has blown up to the size of a literal basketball.

She's still beautiful but she certainly wouldn't agree with the statement.

I usually sit behind her on the hospital bed and hold up her belly for about 10 minutes everyday to give her a break from the weight of our incredibly stubborn baby boy.

"Y/n please eat, it's not healthy for the baby."

"Fuck the baby." She says as she presses the button for the nurse to come in.

The short blonde haired nurse immediately comes into the room and asks what's wrong.

"Hey Lindo, I was wondering.. can I have some more ice chips?"

Linda scoffed and shot me a very rude glare.

"Ms Y/l/n, you have to eat some real food it's not healthy for the baby."

"Fuck you." Y/n spits.

Jesus, poor Linda.

Linda rolls her eyes and immediately leaves the room.

Y/n tilts her head to look at me and whines.

"Fuck it, fine I'll eat." She says.

I immediately sit up and reach for the pudding but feel her hand on my wrist that stops me.

"Only if it's a Big Mac and a large fry from McDonald's."

"Okay!" I say as I immediately stand up.

I reach for my keys and walk towards the door.

"I'll go buy food, I love you and I'll be back soon!"

"Spencer!" She says quietly and I turn around.

"I love you, be careful."

"I will." I say softly as I quickly walk toward her and give her a soft kiss on the forehead.

"Oh and a large sprite."

"Anything for you my love." I say softly as I walk out of the room.

Y/n's pov:

(Tw: mentions of SA.)

I cant stop thinking, I cant stop thinking about it.

The way his hands felt under my sundress, the way his voice rang through my ears after every tiny moment I asked him to stop.

The doctors recommended therapy and well..Spencer thought it was a good idea so I did it.

Not that the therapy didn't help I mean it has its just been a lot.

Spencer has been an absolute godsend.

He's been here, he's let me know he's here. He has held me, let me cry, and loved me.

He's loved me through my lowest and I love him for that.

He's also just rlly excited about the baby. I am too...i think?

The idea of doing anything that would screw up my kid is just.....terrifying.

I look up as I hear the door opening to reveal Spencer holding McDonald's and smiling.

"Here you go.." he said sweetly as he softly handed me everything.

I look up at him as he goes in the bag to grab his food.

"Let me guess, you bought chicken nuggets."

"You can't blame me! They are amazing." He says back all high pitched and defensive like.

"I wasn't judging."

"Yes you were!" He says.

I laugh softly and start to eat my food.

"Are you excited for the baby?" Spencer asks.

"Nervous but excited...I think?" I say and Spencer chuckles.

"Me too."

"Y/n can I ask you something?" Spencer says as I shove a fry into my mouth.

"Yeah sure."

"How are we gonna, have sex with a baby around?"

I immediately spit my sprite out all over myself and  start to hysterically laugh.

"What! It's a genuine question!"

"Jesus Reid, we have been in the hospital for like 3 months and all you can think about is sex?"

Spencer looks at the floor and sighs.

"I just, I miss feeling you and watching you at your most vulnerable." He says as I feel my stomach fill to the brim with butterflies.

"Don't say things like that." I say as i quickly eat another fry.

"See! You've been craving it too!"

"Spencer we are not having sex, I'm not even cleared yet and, I'm 8 months pregnant."

"You're body hasn't been cleared but your mouth seems pretty....okay." He says slyly as he puts a chicken nugget in his mouth.

"Spencer Walter Reid, we are not having sex until I get cleared end of story." I say as I reach for my drink.

"You're no fun." 

I roll my eyes and laugh at him.

"Spencer Reid you are one of the horniest people I have ever met."

"Is that a good or a bad thing?"


A/N: Happy Easter :)

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! It was definitely a fun one to write.

I'm sorry it's a bit shorter than usual.

Love you!!


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