Chapter 48

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Ashley's POV—

The waves gently splashing against the shore is music to my ears as I work hard to angle my camera right along the beach. The breeze brushing by tries to move my hair into my face. But it fails seeing that I put my hair up into a ponytail before I even started working.

Once my camera is set where I want it to be, with the lens I want and setting, I snap my picture. I can only smile as I pull back and look at the photo I just took on the little screen on my camera.

Seconds later, I remove my camera from my tripod and get down onto my knees. Before I move any further down, though, I look to my right and spot Evan still lying down on her beach towel—enjoying the calmness of the ocean as much as I am.

"Hey babe, can you come here for a second?" I ask her. She turns her head to face before she sits up and dusts the sand off of herself. Seconds later, she's on her knees next to me.

"What's up?"

"Can you hold this for me for a second? I want to lie down," I simply tell her as I hand her my camera. She nods her head before she takes the camera, giving me the opportunity to lie down onto my stomach. Once I'm down, I very furiously rub my hands together so that I can get the sand off of my hands before I take my camera back.

"Thanks," is all I tell Evan as I take my camera and go ahead with trying to aim it as best as I can.

The sun is setting, which is creating such a beautiful view.

The blue sky is mixing into pink, a very small amount of red, orange, and yellow as the sun sets over the water. A few white clouds are scattered here and there—making it even more pretty.

I can't remember the last time I witnessed a sunset this amazing.

Evan takes my camera again before I stand up, being content with the time I've spent taking pictures of the beach. I rub my hands together again and dust the sand off of my front before I take my camera back.

"Now what?" Evan asks me as she shoves her hands in her shorts pockets. I can only smile at her before I lift my camera up and aim it at her.

She immediately frowns and turns her head away from me.

"Can we not take pictures of me?" she insists as she continues to look away from me.

"Aw, babe. Come on, just one picture?" I ask her. She tilts her head a little, appearing to be thinking about it. After a short moment of her thinking, she sighs and slowly nods her head.

"You're lucky I love you, otherwise I would not have let you take a picture of me just now," Evan tells me after I take her picture.

I can only smile, biting back a small laugh as I drape the strap of my camera around my neck before I go and grab my tripod.

"You're cute," is all I tell her as I slip my free hand into hers before we start heading for the wooden path that'll take us back to the house.

Evan groans.

"I'm not cute," she defensively tells me.

"What's wrong with me calling you cute?" I ask her as I raise my eyebrow.

"Nothing it's just—I just don't like being called cute. And besides...I'm sexy, not cute," Evan tells me. I can only act as though I'm considering what she just said. As though I'm debating with myself whether or not she is sexy.

I mean, of course I think she is.

But I like messing with her.

"Yeah, I guess," I end up telling her after a moment of pretending to think about it. She just scoffs.

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