Chapter 19

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Evan's POV—

I half expected her to pull away from me by now. But instead of pulling away or even hesitating for a second, she just continues to follow my lead. Letting me kiss her while she keeps returning it, moving with me and lacing her fingers in my hair.

I've never really been one to like people touching my hair. But I'd be lying if I were to say that having Ashley's fingers tangled up in my hair and tugging at it is annoying. It honestly feels good having her tug me closer to her, even if it's by my hair.

She wanted to kiss me just as much as I wanted to kiss her.

And god. If I thought that kissing her couldn't have gotten any better...the moment I gently brushed my tongue against hers that first time, well...I'm sure that my face wasn't the only one burning at the touch.

And the sound she made when I did it, too...


I could kiss her all day if she'd let me.

But above everything, I'm just glad that making a move to take it one step further didn't freak her out. The last thing I want is to scare her or push her too hard and too fast into anything. That is, if this is ever going to get anywhere.

Which, I'm hoping it does.

And if this does go somewhere, I for sure as hell won't be like Andy and only think with my head. The wrong head, that is.

I honestly never really thought about having a girlfriend before, same as the whole not wanting to go out on a date thing. Don't get me wrong, I've been attracted to other girls before, but not enough to want to develop a real, not just sex, relationship with them.

But now...

At least where my feelings for her are concerned...

We both reluctantly pull away from each other when breathing becomes an issue. All I can do is look into her bright eyes as we both struggle to regain our breaths. I can't remember the last time I kissed someone like this.

Not like I ever really wanted to.

Until now, that is.

But, regardless of it, and the fact that she initiated it this time, I wouldn't be surprised if she pulled away from me.


She doesn't.

Instead, a smile forms across her face as she starts laughing softly and shakes her head a little with her eyes closed. Out of curiosity as to why she's suddenly laughing, and getting a little panicked instead, I furrow my eyebrows at her reaction. When she opens her eyes again, she notices my confused expression. But her smile still remains across her face.

"What are you doing to me." she says, not even saying it in the form of a question. She continues before I can even say anything.

"You're my friend, used to be my best friend. I never would have imagined that I'd one day be making out with you and yet..." she trails off as her eyes look down at my lips. She gently bites her lower lip, making me want to watch her as she does it, before we both look back into each other's eyes. "Part of me doesn't want to stop." she admits as red stains her cheeks, her smile still present.

Her words gradually sinks in, repeating in my head nonstop. A lump forms in my throat in response to it, but I don't let my nerves show and instead, pull my lips into a side smile. "You're not the only one who doesn't want to stop." I tell her.

Her smile grows as her eyes brighten and it takes all of my self control to not lean towards her again and claim her lips with mine. But, knowing how tense and hesitant she can get sometimes, I don't want to over step.

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