Chapter 49

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Evan's POV—

"I'll get dinner going," I say as we walk into the house, having just come back home from a day full of different activities.

We went on a boat ride to see some dolphins, went to an aquarium, and did a little shopping spree at a strip mall. We decided to come home after we checked out several of the shops, mainly because we had done a lot of walking.

And my legs are tired.

My entire body is tired, actually.

My arms are a little sore from holding myself up last night when Ashley and I had sex, and my abdonimal muscles ache a little, too.

Don't get me wrong, though.

I have no regrets in terms of making love to Ashley last night, and then again earlier this morning. Making love to her was honestly the most breath-taking and precious experience I've ever had.

I've never truly opened myself up like that for anyone before. Never fully exposed everything about me and let myself be vulnerable with someone. Never had so many raw emotions running through every inch of my veins—lacing through everything. The amount of emotions and witnessing her give her whole self to me, trusting me, and looking at me with the insanely hot expression, was what really got me.

"Wait. You're making dinner?" Ashley asks me as she stops to spin around to face me, stopping right in the middle of the double staircase.


"I've literally never seen you cook in my life," she flatly tells me.

"Well damn. Don't have too much faith in me," is all I tell her as I turn to walk up one of the stairs to go to our room.

We got a few things from a couple of the stores we checked out.

Some clothes and a new dolphin necklace for Ashley—which she is already wearing.

After dropping the couple of bags in our room, I walk back out to head downstairs again to start working on dinner.

Nothing too hectic.

Just some lemon chicken and some rice.

I had Rebecca give me the recipe for it because she's usually the one who makes it. It's one of Ashley's favorites so I figured that she would like it—if I can successfully make it that is.

If not, then we can just order pizza or something because I don't particularly feel like going back out and getting something tonight.

"What are you making?" Ashley asks me as she walks into the kitchen.

"Lemon chicken and rice," I simply tell her as I look through the fridge to find what all I need.

Dad arranged it so that the fridge will be full of food we'd want to eat. I had to plan out everything I thought we would want ahead of time and let him know so that he could get it organized.

So far everything checks out.

"Should I have the number for a pizza place on speed dial for when you mess up?" she teases, laughter lacing through her words. I can only roll my eyes at her as I begin making the batter for the chicken.

"You really have no faith in my cooking skills, do you?" I ask her as I work. She stands next to me and leans against the counter.

"Well..." she trails off.

Being slightly annoyed now, I quickly put my hand in the batter, which so far is just flour, and then turn around to gently slap her cheek. She jumps as I do so and groans as she quickly notices that my hand was covered in flour.

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