Chapter 8

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Ashley's POV—

"So...are you guys still mad at me?" Isabella asks Sasha and me as we start picking at the brownies she made last night. An attempt to win us over after the little stunt she pulled Sunday, nearly giving us a heart attack.

Quite frankly though, I'll take her brownies as a peace offering. She's really good at baking.

"Why shouldn't we still be mad at you?" Sasha asks her, biting into a fudge brownie.

"Because even though I scared you both still love me," Isabella says, batting her eyes.

"You didn't just scare me. You almost gave me a heart attack," Sasha tells her, snapping a little.

Isabella told us she was pregnant, right? Well. It was her way of testing out her "acting" skills. She's not expecting at all. Not even close. She broke the news literally seconds after she told us, after she made us believe that she was pregnant, that she wasn't.

And boy did Sasha and I flip out a little. Sasha did more than I did though. If anything, I'm just a little relieved that this was just Isabella wanting another little acting practice session.

Wish she would have made a different approach about it, but it is what it is.

"These are really good," I cut in, practically falling into complete bliss at how good her brownies are.

"Thanks. At least someone forgives me," Isabella says, cutting her eyes over towards Sasha, leaning back a little in her chair and crossing her arms. Sasha only shrugs it off.

"We all know we can win Ashley over with sweets. Surprised the girl isn't fat yet," Sasha says, poking at my stomach, making me flinch and let out a laugh. She poked me right when I was trying to eat another brownie and she nearly made me choke.

Darn me and being so ticklish.

"Ain't that the truth," Isabella mumbles under her breath. "So we good?" she asks, mainly directed towards Sasha. Since she knows that she already has my approval considering she offered brownies as a peace offering.

At least I'm not as bad as Zack.

Zack could live off of sweets.

I just like having them every now and then.

They're good.

Especially these brownies.

"I guess. But. Pull something like that again and it'll take a lot more than brownies to win me over," Sasha says as she finishes the brownie and wipes the crumbs away on her napkin.

"Enough said." Isabella says with a smile. As if on cue, almost like they knew it was safe to approach — meaning that the chances of Sasha exploding completely evaporated — Andy and Ben finally joins us at the lunch table where we're currently sitting.

"So. Everything good now?" Ben asks, looking at the three of us separately.

"Yes. Izzy managed to make it off of my hate list this time. We're good," Sasha says as she grabs another brownie.

"Hey, save some for the rest of us," Andy jumps in, reaching over to get a brownie and then drapes his free arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

"Damn girl, you could sell these. I'd pay for these," Andy comments, licking the remaining crumbs off of his fingers before he uses his pants as a napkin. I whack him as he does it, making him flinch.

"That's gross," I whisper to him.

"Sorry...anyway. Tomorrow. Halloween. My parents won't be home. You guys are coming right?" Andy picks up, grabbing everyone's attention.

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