Chapter 16

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Ashley's POV—

"Ugh...why does school still exist." Evan groans as we walk down the stairs and head for the kitchen. I can only roll my eyes at her comment. It's too early for all her groaning and complaining, even if I do agree with her.

Break went by too fast in my opinion.

Too fast.

"Well, on the bright side, the trimester ends this week." I tell her, trying to lift her mood up a bit.

She's never really been a morning person.

"That just means we have finals this week. Exams. I hate exams even more than I hate Mondays." she says, pouting as we walk into the kitchen. Roxy's already sitting at the table, eating some eggs and toast.

I asked Evan yesterday if she could start taking me to school, and from if I need a ride home. I asked her mainly because I don't know if I can put up with Ben's and Isabella's lovey dovey nonsense everyday, bright and early. I could have asked Sasha, too. But getting rides from Evan is just convenient since we live under the same roof.

Since I'll no longer be getting rides from Andy.

Which, I'm not complaining about.

I'm just dreading having to face him today, if I have to face him. We share a couple classes together — thankfully our last names aren't close to each other so I don't have to sit next to him. It'll make it easier to not have to speak to him or even look at him.

Within this past week, I've really done a lot of thinking about the whole thing. The bottom line is, he cheated on me. Just because I didn't give him enough attention and he was more focused on getting some than actually, genuinely, being with me.

So yeah, I'm pissed.

Part of me wants to face him, to call him out for it.

But I'm not going to.

I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of...whatever he might think he'll get if I were to approach him.

"Morning." we both trail off as we move around in the kitchen, getting something to eat for breakfast. Which, we have plenty of time to eat since, surprisingly, we both got up early. I always wake up early, but Evan doesn't always wake up early. So I was a little more than surprised to see her get up earlier than she usually does.

"Last week of the first trimester, you guys ready for your finals?" mom asks as we sit down at the table, joining her, Roxy, Zack and Caleb. Mathew's still in the process of getting ready, considering we almost ran into him rushing to the bathroom on our way out of the bedroom.

Mathew's been...difficult to say the least. It seems to be a pattern, at least that's what Evan refers to it. Mathew goes about, being his usual self and then Melany visits and after she visits, something changes in his behavior for the next few days or so. He gets really disobedient and even more 'obnoxious.' And then eventually his behavior evens out.

Evan said it's probably just because he's such a momma's boy and really hates the idea of not being able to live with her sometimes. He hates it even more after she visits and they're, for lack of better words, separated, again.

I feel kind of bad for him.

Kind of.

I mean, she never did anything wrong to him, so I can see why he loves her and misses her. And he doesn't know what she did to Evan, and probably wouldn't even care at this point because he's been kept in the dark about it all his life. At first it was because he was too young to understand Now, even if they told him, at least Evan thinks it wouldn't change how he views his mother.

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