Chapter 10

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Ashley's POV—

"Finally...I thought that the bell was never going to ring," Andy says as the final bell rings, indicating that school is over. Also indicating that another week of school is done and that it's the weekend. Aka, two days of not having to wake up early in the morning.

Which sounds great to me.

It's been a long week. Many things went down. I've spent hours helping Evan study. I ran around the neighborhood taking Zack and his friends trick or treating. And yesterday was the start of November.

I'm practically counting down the days until Thanksgiving break. But also not because after Thanksgiving break, we'll have finals — since we do trimesters at this school. And don't get me wrong, I'm more than ready for finals. I'm just not excited about having to take them.

"Do you have anything planned for the rest of the day?" Andy asks me as we start making our way out of the classroom along with everyone else. The hallway is as crowded as ever. Even more so because everyone desperately wants to go home.

Don't blame them.

"Not really. I want to get my pictures printed. But otherwise, no," I tell him as he grabs my hand, keeping me close so we don't lose each other in the hallway.

"Want to come over? My parents won't be home," he whispers in my ear, making shivers run down my spine. It makes me hesitate to answer him because the way he said it, it sounded very suggestive.

And not the kind of suggestive I'm really interested in.

"I'm kidding. My mom's going to be home, at least," he tells me, reassuring me as he notices my unease. And it does reassure me. "And we all know that she won't be able to not barge in whenever she wants." he complains.

I'd never complain about her barging in, no offense to Andy and all.

Just saying.

As we round another corner, I immediately spot Evan, leaning against the wall next to the science room with her arms crossed. She looks ready to run out of here. And if it wasn't for the fact that the science retake is today, she probably would already be well on her way out of the parking lot, heading towards lord knows where.

I doubt she'd go home directly after school on a Friday. She hardly ever does.

Not like it's really my business what she does.

"I guess I don't mind coming over," I tell Andy. He lets out a quick laugh.

"You don't mind?" he says, teasing me a little.

"You know what I meant," I tell him, trying to walk away from him. But his hand holding onto mine stops me from getting that far and makes me laugh.

I look over towards Evan again as we get closer to the science room. I guess she probably sensed me looking at her because the next thing I know, she looks up and her eyes meet mine. And in the next second, she kicks off of the wall and walks into the science room as we walk by.

I was more than a little bit disappointed when she said she didn't want to be friends again. I was honestly hoping that we could at least try to be more friendly. I mean, I spent all afternoon yesterday and Tuesday afternoon helping her study. And we were getting along within those few hours.

So I honestly thought that it would be the start of us trying to rebuild our friendship. But she almost sounded offended that I even asked. That I shouldn't have asked in the first place, and that's what really caught me off guard.

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