Chapter 5

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Evan's POV—

"Hey Spencer..." I trail off as I poke Spencer in her sides, making her flinch a little. But she doesn't budge, not even in the slightest. Honestly, it's starting to get annoying. I've been at it for what...maybe five minutes or so and she still hasn't acknowledged me.

It's really frustrating now.

"Spencer..." I trail off again, poking her once more.


"What do you want, Evan." she says, snapping at me this time. She spins around and sends me one of her usual glares that she gives whenever I'm being annoying. The same glare she uses on anyone who pisses her off.

"Wanna do my math homework for me?" I ask her with a smirk across my face, raising my eyebrow in question. She only rolls her eyes.

"No. For the last time need to do your own work. I'm not about to sit here and do your homework for you along with still having to complete mine. Go get Alex to help you," she mumbles the last bit under her breath as she kicks my leg.


She didn't have to kick me.

Not like she kicked me that hard, but still.

"Ugh...but Alex is such a pain in the ass...if I were to ask him to help me, he'd for sure try to make it all about him and ask for something in return..." I groan as I slam my head on the surface of the table.

It's finally Friday and I couldn't be any more relieved at that fact.

The only downside of it all is that I have a stupid math test on Monday and this stupid mandatory review packet is due Monday and it's filled with shit that I don't know. I mean...I know I keep suggesting that I start doing something in class before I fail the whole thing...but for this class at's still math and I hate math.

Scratch that.

I hate pretty much every subject.

Besides art and music, but that goes without saying because hey.

Art is amazing.

Music is amazing. wonder dad wanted to get rid of my instruments. If all my classes were art and music related, I'd for sure pass.

But nope.

"Sounds like a you problem," she simply says.

I lean back in my chair and throw my head back, looking up at the boring ceiling in the library. Spencer dragged me here to "study." But, that's not going great. For her, it is. But for me, nope. This whole studying thing isn't really my thing.

If I had this device that could somehow transport all of the stuff I need to know, without having to actually study, into my head...that would be great. I'd pass with no problems whatsoever. But until then...

"Ugh but studying sounds like too much work...and all for what? It's not like we're ever going to use the stuff we learned in real life," I comment as I move my head aside so that I can look at Spencer directly.

She's not even giving me her attention anymore at all. She's back to practically burying her head in a textbook, jotting down some notes every now and then.

"You're on your own on this one, Evan." is all she tells me.

I can only pout at her as I lean back and stand up. I throw my backpack over my shoulder as I pull out my phone and look at the time. School's been out for almost an hour already. It's way past the time for me to go home.

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