Chapter 1

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Roseanne's Pov

 As I am standing in the balcony of my beach side bungalow looking out to the sea watching people in their morning stroll, interacting (sighs....) oh....well to be true even at the night time I have seen people strolling or doing things that they want to hide (you know what.... chuckles) has been 1yr since I stepped into this city of dreams....New that never sleeps, just like me.

I have always heard that this city adapts anyone making them its part.....But this city took something from me, so here I am and I will not leave till I get what I want..... And it's all going good.

I know it will take time for all the efforts to bear the results.... All I want is for that person to



And suffer........

All those who know me call me heartless, stubborn, and cruel ..... And the main one that is ''bitch''. But no one dares to fight me it's because for me doing what makes me happy is the right thing to do.... But for others that is just me being a BITCH with you know air quotes.

My thoughts are broken with the approaching footsteps and without even turning I know it's my PA slash sister from another mother Sana ''Rosie, Lisa's manager is calling they are asking for a meeting''.

Smiling.... I turned to a gulping Sana (sighs) it has been years since she have been with me but still shivers meeting me am I that scary. Finally intending to end the silence I speaks, ''asking?? Wait for them to request'' (smirks)

Looking all dazed Sana asks me ''why this delay Rosie.......when for past one year we have been waiting for this opportunity ''.

Smiling.... I take a step towards her placing a hand on her cheek as I speak ''Sana.... something that I have learned during the past 1 year is that BE THE NEED, BE THE IRREPLACEABLE NEED so that others will see our worth and seek us, not the other way around. And yes this has been the moment we have been waiting for..... But who knows this is us not Lisa so we have to wait for some more time...... understand''

Placing a hand over mine Sana speaks ''what if they don't come back Rosie what will we do..........then we will go back to square one'' .......smiling as I take her hand caressing it ''trust me Sana they will come back ....they will''

''don't you think it's wrong Rosie, Lisa is a good person.... this is......this is not you''.

As I hear her a tear drops through my cheeks, wiping it as I speak ''I am just using her Sana, for me that is not wrong and it doesn't harm her in anyway. So I am not wrong....Mhmm anyways don't give them a clear answer for now let them wait''

                                 so this is it. and again as english is not my first language PLEASE bear with me if you find any mistakes and put it down the comments, will try my best to correct it in the next update.

                                                Support me if you like this story. Till we meet in the next update............

Your's truly


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