Chapter 41

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Somewhere in New York

The room was filled with the moaning of two people. they were relishing each other with madness. There was a loud groan and in the room we could only hear haggard breaths. Elkie rolled away from her partner to get down from the bed, she moved to the bar making herself a drink ''Are you now going to refer my name for your new movie''

Elkie smirked ''....... you aren't an actress material''

The girl got agitated ''you promised''

Elkie ''promises are made to be broken in our world baby... and you are not the first one.'' She looked at the girl wrapped in sheets glaring at her, but she was least concerned. Being a rising name in the industry gave her a lot of benefits... if not for Roseanne she would have been stronger but she got her threatened and for whom that slave girl Sana.

Sana was the only girl who saw through her sugary lines. She rejected her and refused to bow down, she had agreed to date her on Miyeon's instructions as she wanted to hurt Jennie by hurting Sana. But after meeting her she got blown by her simplicity . Her innocence was addicting , she was the pure form of goodness. Somehow she wanted to posses her. She kept on refusing as she needed time after her heartbreak that frustrated her and she insulted her among her friends calling her a servant girl. She thought she will come back, but she refused... she pressurized her, pursued her but she was adamant, by then her sisters discovered her motives. Elkie gulped the remaining drink thinking about her defeat.. she got a message from her manager to reach the shooting location. It was a soft drink commercial shoot, a famous brand that had recently signed her. Elkie gave the girl a flying kiss and left but she missed the smirk on the girl's face.....


Roseanne was pacing in her room, she was ready for her Ring ceremony but before that she wanted to give a gift to her little Squirt. Roseanne had broken all boundaries to get Jennie justice, she loved Sana the same way. Her cell beeped, she smiled reading the message and turned on the television..... messaging Jennie to do the same

'Elkie Chong is again in news... this time for an obscene clip... for privacy reasons we are not disclosing the identity of the girl, this girl comes from a middle class family. She came to New york to make something of her life to support her family. But she met the wrong people, Elkie Chong promised the girl her next movie in exchange of sexual favours. This girl had been working as a staff and staying in her house. The girl said first time she was being drugged and taken advantage off and later she succumbed to her threats as she had recorded their first encounter. Today she recorded to let people know about her ugly truth as she had been asking her to go to her friends in exchange of good offers for herself.

We all are aware of the darkness that prevails in the glamour world, this is just another glimpse. It's a shame for all that a celebrity a youth Icon who recently got herself associated to a NGO working for the welfare of females. It's a big question now are we actually idealizing wrong people.. For now a warrant has been issued against Elkie for forceful captivity and outraging the modesty of a female, she is still at large.. we will keep you posted on all the details regarding the story'

Jennie-Jisoo smiled watching the news they understood Sana who had a habit of watching news while getting ready got glued to her place infront of the television. She knew who did this, Sana dashed out of her room still in bathrobe and ran inside Roseanne's room. Roseanne was dressed beautifully in a sparkling blue gown, her long hair pleated into a fish cut pleat. Roseanne smiled and Sana hugged her tight ''has anyone told you that you are the best sister in the world''

Roseanne caressed her head ''that's because I have you I love you squirt. Thanks for being a part of my life''

Sana ''You will never leave me right, even after the wedding''

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