Chapter 6

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Lisa had a tiring month........ her 15 days outdoor shoot in London was completed yesterday...she just wanted to go back to New York immediately.... But Miyeon wanted to look around...she was irritated

Miyeon had been to London number of times...with her friends or alone.... yet she wanted to look around...Lisa understood...she wanted Lisa to shop for her...... she was a cheap cost for the peace she wanted. Lisa gave her card to her...Miyeon squealed and hugged her. She was no more interested in her company...... she feigned her worry; ''Oh Darling I know you must be tired shooting day and night...don't you worry..... I will go alone and will be back...Miss me''. Lisa got a cab arranged for her and she happily left....leaving Lisa alone with her silence...she wanted to like her but she couldn't...... she was beautiful... well physically yes..... but Lisa craved for something else...she wanted a girl who had the ability to set her heart on fire..

Lisa took a warm bath changed into a track pant and buried her body in the comfortable sheets of the hotel bed....but couldn't sleep...she got up and decided to write....but her buzzing phone distracted was Kangsoo uncle her manger...Lisa answered ; ''How are you Uncle''

Mr. Kangsoo ''Good Lisa....just tune in to any news channel there has been a big scandal''

Lisa disconnected...and Switched on her laptop and tuned in there was

Only one news flash on every channel

''Seungri's lies busted''

''Man of double standards caught between his own web of lies''

''Producer/Director of women empowerment movie turns out to be a molester' '

''How safe is Hollywood for strugglers with no godfather's''....

These lines made Lisa curious...she scrolled for more details and details left her surprised. A struggling B grade actress handed police a proof. She recorded the whole ordeal after months of sexual exploitation... the clip showed director forcing himself on her after promising and threatening her. Police had to file a complaint against the Big shot director in the pressure of women welfare organizations and roaring media....many actresses refused to work with him in any further movies showing their support towards feminism... Lisa smiled her POV ''this gets better and better...till yesterday...all were leaning happily on him and now everyone is trying to hog the lime light...Poor Seungri'' She leaned on the bed smiling on the media Circus. Lisa had recently refused one of his scripts....thanks to her stars...she dialed Kangsoo uncle back.

Kangsoo uncle answered immediately as if he was expecting Lisa's call; ''Yes Lisa '' Lisa smiled and said; ''I mean how uncle if she was going through all that for months...why couldn't she do that before and according to insiders she was like a second wife to him. He took care of all her expenses''

Kangsoo chuckled; '' if you believe the gossips Hyewon had been signed as a leading lady for 3 movies with a top notch Hollywood director and she has a strong reference...guess who''

Lisa frowned and thought for a moment; ''Holy Shit! Roseanne Seungri was talking nonsense about her after she insulted him in her office..... Wow! I am impressed...she nailed her enemy bad without even coming in the picture''

Kangsoo let out a sigh; '' That is why I want her to work with us.... she is good...very good....and worst part she knows that very well...... In 30yrs of my career I haven't met a girl as strong as her ''

Kangsoo fanned Lisa's interest in the female she had a sudden desire to meet her once... tiredness..... Sleep.... boredom everything left her in a second. She spoke after a pause; ''Uncle do whatever you can. I need to meet her at least once'' Kangsoo uncle sounded delighted and disconnected...

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