Chapter 35

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Sana had decided to leave New York... she started finishing her pending jobs in FRAMES Media... Sana entered Roseanne's cabin and extended a pen-drive ''this has all the details... you won't have any issues with me gone...''

Roseanne looked at the pen-drive then at Sana ''you gone is the major issue... Squirt why are you leaving me... Nini will move in with Jisoo after few days and I will be alone''

Sana smiled wiping the rolling tear ''you have your super star''

Roseanne ''Yes... but there is again a problem she isn't my squirt''

Sana wrapped her arms around Roseanne's neck ''I love you Rosie...... will miss you''

Roseanne hugged Sana back closing her eyes, letting the tears free... mentally she was cursing Tzuyu for pushing Sana this far.... her POV 'I won't let you anywhere close to my Squirt'

Eden View

Jennie had decided to take an off to spend time with her parents plus she wanted Sana to stay back... Jennie found Claire busy in reading............. after a while she decided to speak ''Hey Mom..... ''

Claire ''if you are here to convince me on Squirt.. then no... I am taking her back home.... Nini she needs a break and right now going away from here is the best thing''

Jennie ''Mom.... agreed.... but what after few days..... she has a good career here... what will she do there.... sitting idle will make her go mad''

Mason coughed ''I think I am still employed..... she will work with me''

Jennie ''Dad.... squirt will only work with us no where else''

Claire ''Nini... we never forced our will on you two and won't let you force it on Sana... I think I am done on this topic.. when is your wife coming to visit us and take you home''

Jennie smiled ''Once I visit Texas with you guys...... I haven't been home for 5 years Mom.. I too want a break''

Mason ''Smart move... but remember we won't let you influence Sana''

Jennie nodded... her POV ' we will see Sana I won't let you reject a good girl... '

Manoban Mansion

Roseanne had gone to visit Lisa's parents........ Ella saw Roseanne, she came running to her hugging Roseanne around her waist ''Unnie you forgot me''

Roseanne pecked her forehead ''how can I forget you darling but sorry I couldn't meet you as I was busy.. how is school''

Ella ''Ok''

Roseanne ''why just ok..... and how is your badminton.... is Lisa teaching you good''

Ella pouted ''No....... I still jump like a monkey at her shots I am not able to answer even one''

Roseanne ''keep trying where is your babe'' Ella dragged Roseanne to Lisa's portion in the mansion... Lisa and Tzuyu were busy with motion tennis on TV Ella ran away and Roseanne stood infornt of the television ''Can we talk Lisa''

Lisa gave a wide grin ''Hey Heiress... sure why not..... Tzuyu we will play later''

Tzuyu gave a salute.. she turned to leave but then stopped ''how is Sana''

Roseanne curled her fingers into a fist ''She is much better without you so please stay away''

Tzuyu smiled ''I won't... because I like her little too much to leave her.... I will convince... bye sis'' Tzuyu turned around to leave.... ignoring Roseanne completely

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