Chapter 39

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Hill Top Mansion

Sana checked the dias being made for the ring exchange ceremony in 2 different portions of the house... she pressed her lips chewing her nails ''it looks beautiful.. stop thinking'' Sana relaxed as she heard Tzuyu behind her......... she turned around with a smile but, immediately closed her eyes ''get some clothes on''

Tzuyu looked at herself.. she was only wearing her denim bottoms and calvin klein sports bra. she smiled ''why ??? if you have nothing for me why does it affect you''

Sana ''I am not here for Q&A.... fine roam as you like......... ''

Tzuyu ''think again... If I roam as i like... other staff might just rob me off. Will you come if I scream for help??'' Sana burst out laughing... she turned around taking a good look at her, she was in shirt now. She looked as if she did a lot of physical task...

Sana ''what were you doing''

Tzuyu threw her body on the couch ''The stage for dance in the garden area... I was helping those folks fixing the wooden planks............. ''

Sana's eyes widened ''Tzuyu that's not your job''

Tzuyu ''Its my sis's wedding... everything about it is my job... plus helping someone is not a job...''

Sana looked at Tzuyu with new kind of respect... she was sitting there with her eyes closed catching her breath........... Sana sat next to her '' Care for a coffee''

Tzuyu opened her eyes looking straight into hers ''by the lake..'' Sana nodded asking her to take the lead and she will follow.. Sana bought two cups by the lake side... Tzuyu was lying on the grass watching the sky.. dark clouds were slowly occupying the sky........ Sana too heard the thunder she sat next to her ''do you think open air dance is a good plan in this weather''

Tzuyu ''Too good... the weather is beautiful out here.. and if it rains we will have rain dance without spending a single penny. what say'' Sana smiled.... they heard squealing of Ella... who was jumping on the balcony of the room waiting for the rain. Tzuyu huffed ''I had hard time holding that little girl from swimming in the lake''

Sana ''its dangerous... its deep and very cold..''

Tzuyu ''I know......... I tried''

Sana lost her cool ''are you crazy..... when I said its dangerous it meant for adults too... how can you be so irresponsible'' Tzuyu just cupped her cheek and she calmed ''Sorry..... ''

Tzuyu pulled her nose ''its ok... so tell me why were you dull that day ''

Sana narrated about the alliance... and when she finished.. Tzuyu brown eyes were red ''you can go and meet an unknown stranger..... but you can't give a chance to me.. am I that bad''

Sana caught her wrist before she could leave ''I never wanted to meet her.... I went for my father............. Tzuyu please don't leave like this'' Tzuyu closed her eyes and sat next to her.. Sana took her hands between hers ''I am scared.... I am not the ideal girl a that you desires.. I am not adventurous like Rosie or fun loving like nini... I am boring.. I don't party I am not that outgoing I prefer sitting at home enjoying a cup of coffee with a book. I don't even doll up... you like me now tomorrow you might lose interest in me''

Tzuyu heard each word ''You are not my first I had my share of fun.. hookups and all... but that one moment when I saw you on the other side of the door changed something.... guess boring is my type... Sana I want to come home to a girl whom I know would be waiting for me with a smile... who would hug me when I am tired.... I don't want a life partner who dolls up for me... I want one who stands by me... that's what you are... I want nothing more''

They shared an eyelock..... then it started pouring.. Tzuyu got up Sana caught her hand ''this way''... together they ran to a shaded circular podium in the garden...

Tzuyu watched the dark clouds pouring  ''this is so beautiful... I am going to enjoy it.. are you coming'' Sana nodded negative.. Tzuyu jumped out in rain enjoying it like a small girl.. Sana smiled.............. she was growing on her with every beat...

Manoban's too had arrived at the Hill top Mansion with Jisoo...... they retired to their rooms after early dinner with Park's . Roseanne was itching to spend some time with Lisa but Jennie warned her to stay in her limits and be a good bride... Roseanne looked out of the room window............ The sky was clear and stars spread in the length and breadth of it dawning it with endless twinkles... Roseanne smiled she was going to be Lisa's forever she stared in the open space , blinked looking at too figures sitting by the lake Roseanne smiled. She knew Tzuyu has started bonding with Squirt.. she recalled when both of them walked into the hall drenched that evening. Sana was blushing but she looked happy after many months.. Jennie somehow saved the day for them... Roseanne was happy for Sana ''Squirt I still owe one more thing to you... Elkie.. she should not be free'' Roseanne opened her dark eyes then twisted her neck . Giving one loving glance to Sana-Tzuyu, she picked her phone to make a call.

The Heiress was back

To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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