Chapter 12

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Film City, New York

Jisoo was waiting for her private investigator..... the said man entered her vanity and greeted her...

Jisoo: "Any updates"

PI: "No after she left her apartment no one has seen her...I tried contacting the owner..... But now that apartment belongs to someone else.... who no clue... and the owner says Jennie willingly moved out... But she is not in Texas as well.... and if gossips are to be believed, according to friends and relatives she is in abroad may be settled."

Jisoo's eyes turned red due to anger " SETTLED??? What the hell that means"

PI "people known to the family believes that Jennie brought shame to her family by deciding to leave with her boyfriend since it didn't work out her family decided to marry her off to some rich brat secretly"

Jisoo " any news on her sister"

PI " I got confirmed information that she is working in Singapore.... Hence there are chances that Jennie is with her sister"

Jisoo "who told you Rosie Park is in Singapore"

PI "everyone..... even the house staff.... I have confirmed atleast 10 times before coming to you"

Jisoo "fine keep it going.... I will send your money..... Let me know if you get to know anything on her" The investigator left.

jisoo was restless.... Her pov 'Nini where are you... How can you settle with someone else... You cannot marry someone else... I swear Nini I will kill whoever it is... You are just mine no one else's.... No this can't be true.... Rosie!! Rosie is not here.... So she is the one keeping my Nini away from me.... Yes it has to be her.... She will do anything to get her revenge.... I have to find Rosie... She must have brainwashed Nini against me..... She is cunning.... I have seen that side of Rosie which no one knows.... Yes if I find Rosie... I wil get to nini"

Jisoo closed her eyes and an old memory flashed.... Rosie stood opposite her.... In a peach dress with a big baseball like stick... Watching jisoo with hatred..... In between them flames... Something was burning.... Jisoo quickly opened her eyes... ' I curse the day I met you Rosie Park... But nothing will stop me from getting nini not even you'

Jiyeon came trembling to jisoo she saw her breathing hard... Her eyes were red.... And she was in deep thought and looked thoroughly pissed she gulped and spoke "jisoo.... Roseanne refused to meet you"

Jisoo"what did you do to convince her?"

Jiyeon "what can I do if she refuses"

Jisoo turned around to glare at jiyeon " I don't know why Jennie hired you.... You are good for nothing... Leave I will handle this in my way now.... But before that I have something more important to do.... Book my tickets for Texas and keep this trip confidential"

Jisoo turned her eyes away passing the message to be left alone.... she wanted to know where Rosie was... Little did she know she was always two step ahead of her.

Lisa's Mansion

Lisa never worked on weekends this was her rule this time she devoted to her hobbies, passion, family, Ella. She was busy teaching Ella badminton.... The girl was half of Lisa's height and was literally struggling to answer her shots.... Lisa chuckled a little looking at her jumping to reach the shuttle... Sometimes it will fall directly on her head.... Ella got irritated and threw her racket to a corner and turned around folding her arms to her chest... All angry

Lisa " bad Ella... You should never give up"

Ella" for last one hour I have been jumping like a monkey... Yet could not take a single shot.... Babe this is cheating"

Lisa "how so??"

Ella "you should come to my height to play"

Lisa walked to her side lifting her off the ground.... She stood stiff being angry.... She made her stand on a table took her hands and said "Ella life never throws challenges based on our heights and sizes.... It just hits us when we least expect it.... So learn to fight... It's okay to get defeated but not ok to give up"

Ella looked at her and nodded.... Lisa pulled her cheeks.... Then she suddenly told " promise me you will not laugh next time..." lisa just interlocked their fingers promising her... In return she got a hug full of unconditional love.... Lisa's eyes suddenly fell on a girl watching her with a smile... She returned it with a genuine one "Sana.... what brings you here"

Sana "I am sorry to disturb you over the weekend.... But FRAMES has planned a photo shoot for you... This will be late night on Monday.... In our studio"

Lisa "will Heiress be present there.... for the shoot"

Sana watched her face.... She knew Lisa liked Roseanne.... She replied "Not sure... She will if she is free"

Lisa "ok.... Since I have accepted her conditions I will be there... Send me the details" Sana smiled and turned to leave but bumped into someone.... She heard Lisa letting out a sigh...

"Are you f**king blind" came an aggressive voice.... Sana looked up after collecting her belongings.... It was Miyeon..... She was too perfect to be true.... Lean,tall... And beautiful but looked like a plastic doll...
Dressed in the fittest possible clothes.

Sana calmly got up and replied "well I don't have eyes at the back.... But didn't knew that you were walking backwards" Ella giggled and lisa pressed her lips.

Miyeon turned to Lisa "who the hell is this dirt"

Sana was never the one to give back..... but she knew her Rosie will kill her for not standing up for herself so she calmly responded "Sana.. PA and senior media manager FRAMES" Sana turned to Lisa and said "see you on Monday.... I will let Roseanne know"

Sana got on her car... Her pov "hope this barbie doll never faces Rosie... All her attitude will kiss the floor infront of my Rosie"

Miyeon was shocked she looked at Lisa "OMG... Baby you never told me that you are working with Roseanne"
Ella animatedly moved her lips to mimic the word baby... Lisa just controlled her laughter...

Lisa cleared her throat "everything was finalized yesterday only.... I was about to tell you" Miyeon seductively moved to Lisa looping her arms around her neck... Ella just blinked looking all disgusted.... She just ran from there leaving lisa at her mercy.... Lisa usually played along.... But now her heart longed for something else... She desperately wanted to see Roseanne now.... Miyeon was busy planting kisses all over her face... Lisa closed her eyes recalling Roseanne's fiery dark brown eyes... Something took over lisa and she pulled Miyeon from her body.... Miyeon was surprised "something wrong"

Lisa looked sideways "no... Mom is waiting for you... Let's move in" Miyeon pecked her lips.... Before tip toeing inside the mansion... Lisa rubbed her nape... Her pov "princess you will get me killed...."

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