Chapter 2

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Lisa's Pov

Sighing, I open my eyes hearing loud quarrelling between my parents.... it has always been like this every morning. Back in my childhood I always thought that they were just talking loudly..... But....... then I gradually understood they were shouting and cursing at each other. At first I will always sit in a corner covering my ears as they quarrel....trying to block out their voices in vain........but now, I just don't care.

The day I don't hear their voice cursing at each other is the day I worry about their health (chuckles) sounds funny right.

(Still chuckling........ walks up to the window to watch the rising sun)

For the outside world I am LALISA MANOBAN ........the reigning star of THE HOLLYWOOD........ Who has an ideal family that other's dream about having one day,


Who knows this........ The family atmosphere they dream about having is all artificial ......... just all fake display of affection to shut the mouths of hungry reporters.

LALISA, the one who is praised, just like the name means I was always praised for anything and everything....... Media call me a BORN STAR........ Which I doubt........ I just give my best in what I do. It's all because my parents want me to be the top of HOLLYWOOD.

My parents had a love marriage.............marriage of which i am now scared of................... My dad was an actor loved by many....... in his prime time he would always get mobbed by fans who mainly were young girls......... which he had always been bragging of........ But then he meets my mother whose care free and simple nature makes him fall for her..........not long after they got married....... after a year or so I was born. At first mom enjoyed the feeling of being married to a superstar....... Gradually this Superstar status was the cause of their drift. One day mom just started to get irritated over small things because dad wanted to be always treated like a could never leave his superstar status at sets, he just brings it home with him. Then mom started to feel suffocated of dad's behaviour .........after all this is life. Then quarrelling all day became a norm in this house. If you ask me if this is the life that I always wanted........ Then the answer is no.

No one knows what is in my heart like every young soul I also wanted to be I still believe in marriages I hope one day I will also be loved......... I have seen an ugly marriage and also a beautiful marriage. Kangsoo uncle who was my dad's manager and now my manager......... he taught me honesty, humility and to always hard work no matter what...... I respect him a lot. Even after 30yrs of marriage uncle and his wife's love for each other never reduced. This is why I still believe in marriage even after seeing a failed marriage all my life.

Currently kangsoo uncle is trying to reach Roseanne, the current media magnate......... of whom I am really curious about........... She has only worked with those who are struggling to thrive in this industry. Last year she signed a contract with an actor who could only get minor character in movies, even after a lot hard work he couldn't catch up with the industries pace.......... No one knows what and how Roseanne did it.......... but she made the actor a star who reached pinnacle of success in such a short time...........even after some months that actor still praises Roseanne in every interview........... And I could see the respect for her in his eyes.

But there are also people who hate her to their cores, for an instance a famous director, without even an appointment went to meet her....... Unfortunate of him............... she made him wait for her for 8hours and according to the director...... he even had to return without even meeting her.

But according to other sources the director had actually met her that day.......... But he irked to such an extent that she threw a glass of water on his face and humiliated him in all way possible.

As she is always behind the curtain only some people has actually seen her personally. So I have always wanted to meet her and I hope I do very soon. But now as I think about it there is only a minimum hope that she will agree to work with me.

As I take a deep breath, a car driving into the drive way was heard........ ohh that's Miyeon my fiancé with whom I plan to build my home...........but how much ever I try I still can't love her. Just for my mom, I am still in this in commitment and only for her I ignore all Miyeon's outbursts and haughty behaviour. People around me tolerate her just for my sake......... Miyeon is just obsessed about being my fiancé and likes to show me off just like her most prized possession to others. I just close my eyes in frustration leaning on the window as the sunlight falls on my body.

For once I just want to fall in love..............

Even if It ends in heartbreak..........

I just want to experience the feeling of being in love.

As I turn from the window Ella comes in saying ''Miyeon ma'am is waiting for you sir''. Ella is 10yr old cutie who is my butler's daughter..... I just smile at her and she also smiles at me back. Ella actually came up here for another purpose. I got her some art supplies and books which she requested to buy......... but her father just refused to get it for her.......... This is a deal between us............ Ella just looks around the area and gives me a hug as I give her the package '' Thank you babe'' she says but I just pecks her forehead and pats her head before she runs away from me clutching the package closer to her chest.

Smiling I just shakes my head watching her run..... But my smile vanishes as I think about meeting my fiancé........ Well I just can't help it so I just go downstairs.

                             To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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