Chapter 43

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After few days. New York

Sana walked around the Frames office touching each and every part of it, her eyes were wet. So many days and nights with Rosie.... Their plans to get justice for Jennie...... Sana took a deep breath.. Jennie-Roseanne wrapped their arms around her.. Sana sniffed ''I never thought I would go far from you two''

Roseanne ''Its just 18-20 hrs... you can never be far darling...''

Jennie ''And I am coming to see you every year.. so are you'' Sana now cried like a kid... Jennie rubbed her back ''you know Squirt... even if you don't want to you will have to come before a year... you know... to meet your niece or nephew.. ''

Sana-Roseanne gaped at Jennie, roseanne ''Wow... you just knocked day lights out of me... when are you due''

Jennie ''In 7 months... I thought to let you two cry all emotional. Then I will break the news''

Sana ''Nini I am so happy... it should be a girl... just like you... and Rosie should get a boy because she is herself like one trapped in a girl's body'' In return she got a light slap on her head from Roseanne.

Jisoo's Apartment

Jennie ''Jisoo, I won't eat whatever you are cooking... I am not risking my life''

Jisoo ''you don't love me anymore''

Jennie ''off course I don't, I have a new one to love... you are out dated''

Jisoo pouted ''I am jealous... but... no one can take my place... not even this little one. Do you get me'' Jisoo kept her head on Jennie's lap closing her eyes.. they sat in a moment of silence enjoying the bliss.


Roseanne was busy talking over the phone instructing her staff, Lisa took the phone disconnecting it ''Heiress not on our honeymoon ''

Roseanne ''we haven't left the room for the past 3 days... lot for moon and honey, now time for work'' She walked past her to her phone... Lisa followed her scooping her up and dumping her on the bed, she locked her below her body ''I can't get enough of you... so there is a lot of honey and moon pending for us..''

Roseanne giggled as Lisa tickled her... she buried her face in her neck.... Roseanne caressed her head ''Super star... you made me Rosie again'' Lisa pecked her neck and Roseanne could feel her smiling against her skin.


Tzuyu pulled open the curtains, letting the sunlight in... Sana kept her hand on her eyes, pulling the duvet over her eyes... she turned in the opposite direction.. Tzuyu smiled ''get up honey''

Sana popped her hand out ''five minutes please''

Tzuyu ''San your five minutes have turned into an hour... no more five minutes get up'' Sana threw off her blanket giving Tzuyu a sweet smile.. she opened her arms calling her. Tzuyu couldn't resist the offer ''you little Devil'' Wrapping her arms around her she pulled her to her chest rolling over on her back ''Happy you got what you wanted'

Sana ''I know you will never deny me..''

Tzuyu pulled her closer ''Because I can't.... and I never will... God I love you so much woman''

Sana popped her head up ''then why get up... sleep with me... and I take you to heaven'' Tzuyu gave Sana a smirk... rolling her below her she pulled the duvet over their bodies...

So this story is coming to an end...... next is an epilogue...... if some of you have doubt how jennie got pregnant here then it is IVF process. In this story no one is G!P or intersex...... And you will not get any smut in my stories ......

                                   To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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