Chapter 29

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Lisa's Bachelor Pad

Lisa stood leaning on the wall with a smile watching the girl sleeping under the satin sheets... she was so adorable.... she was exactly opposite of herself... if she was ice then she was fire... yet she had everything she wanted her girl to have.... independent, bold... a person with her own thinking... a leader... she wasn't scared of making mistakes... she fiercely protected what she loved.... Lisa moved to the bed and sat next to Roseanne... she gently removed a strand of hair form her face... Roseanne hummed and settled again......... Lisa pecked her cheek and walked to the kitchen..

Roseanne heard some sound and woke up... she rubbed her eyes and stretched her body. Roseanne looked around and found a paper on the side board with a rose...'Good Morning Darling. '

Roseanne wrapped the sheet around her body moving into the washroom she quickly freshened up and got into Lisa's t-shirt..... she was moving her fingers through her hair. when she caught something in her reflection... Roseanne smiled and ran out to find Lisa...

Roseanne watched Lisa... she was busy cooking something she was just wearing an sports bra and a grey track pant... Roseanne took time admiring her body she had a perfectly shaped body broad shoulders and lean waist. Roseanne whispered 'yummy'

Lisa smiled ''Like what you see''

Roseanne walked to her and sat on the kitchen slab... ''Like ??? that's small word... I think I am drooling..'' Roseanne took a long slow gaze on Lisa's body.. Lisa pulled her cheek....... Roseanne lifted her left hand showing the big emerald ring... ''what's this''

Lisa locked Roseanne between her arms ''Congratulations !! to us on our engagement'' Lisa moved closer gently rubbing her fingers on her bare thigh... Roseanne blushed like a rose....................... Lisa nuzzled her face in her neck... Roseanne let out a soft moan... she whispered ''Lisa Manoban if you keep doing this... you will burn the breakfast you are preparing.. and I might thrash you''

Lisa turned the burner off... lifting Roseanne up ''Plan changed I will have you for breakfast ''

Roseanne squealed ''you have a shoot''

Lisa threw Roseanne on bed pinning her down.... ''Cancelled.. today I am taking you to meet my parents...''

Roseanne pushed Lisa down getting on the top ''And I will go in your t- shirt..... the clothes I was wearing last night are already wet because of you............ ''

Lisa caressed her cheek ''Go and check the cupboard'' Roseanne opened the cupboard there was a beautiful pink designer gown.............. Roseanne smiled and turned to Lisa ''So you were so sure that I will agree.....''

Lisa lay on her stomach keeping her chin on a pillow.... she smiled at Roseanne ''yesterday when I left my house I had made a decision to win you back and I succeeded...'' Lisa got up and walked to Roseanne locking her within her arms...''Heiress... I am equally stubborn when its about you.. there is no way I would have let you go''

Roseanne looped her arms around Lisa's neck she kissed her cheek ''This is why I love you my super star'' Roseanne was excited to meet her would be family....

Film City

Jennie dialled Jisoo ''Jisoo, Sana is coming to film City.. she has a meeting with Sungjae... she will meet you too for the next course of our plan. ''

Jisoo ''Sungjae... Elkie is shooting there...... ok I will meet her''

Sana had to attend a meeting at film city on FRAMES Media assignment..... after finishing her meeting she was walking to the exit through a lonely corridor when someone pulled her in a corner... Sana frowned looking at the person ''How dare you Elkie...''

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