Chapter 19

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The news of Jisoo attacking Roseanne made Claire's heart sink she had lost a daughter to her... and was not in a situation to lose Roseanne...... with trembling hands she dialled Roseanne.... but instead of Roseanne her Nini answered ''Mom!'' Claire froze.... she zoned out he ears couldn't believe the voice she was hearing... her voice died .... she wasn't able to reply. Jennie understood ''Mom its me Nini''

Claire sobbed vigorously hearing Jennie's voice ''Where were you. how can you just leave all of us behind...we told you we will always be there. do you know how broken Mason is''

New York

Jennie realized.. Roseanne never told them about her coma state.. she understood why.. she replied in a calm determined voice ''Mom I am sorry.......... but I promise.... I will never leave you guys again. and don't worry about Rosie she is fine.. I will take care of her'' after speaking to her parents for long Jennie disconnected.... Roseanne was resting in her room but this incident had jerked Jennie up.... she made a decision to be out in open.... yes she felt she was ready.

Lisa saw the news and got ready.... she was angry on Jisoo and worried about Roseanne.... she loved her deeply and there was no way she would not see her now... she dialed Roseanne.... she was lying on her bed with Sana on one side and Jennie on the other... Jennie switched on the speaker of Roseanne's continuously buzzing phone before anyone could understand Lisa started ''Heiress are you fine... why were you not answering my call... do you have any idea how worried I was ''

The room's temperature suddenly changed.. Jennie raised an eyebrow at Roseanne and Sana started grinning like an idiot.... Roseanne turned pink she was looking down and Lisa went on and on with her questions and her love declaration.... finally Roseanne answered ''I am fine... resting now''

Lisa ''Don't leave her...''

Roseanne noted Jennie's dull face ''Lisa I don't want to complicate things I will talk to you tomorrow''

Lisa ''No I want to meet you now'' Jennie and Sana rolled their eyes... Roseanne just hid her face in her palms............. she knew her sisters were just waiting for the call to get disconnected. Roseanne made a serious face ''Lisa please... I promise.... I will meet you.. calm down'' Lisa agreed and disconnected.... she pulled her comforter over her head............ all she could hear was roaring laughter of Sana and Jennie.

New york Police Station

Jisoo's lawyers were working on her bail.... Jisoo sat there in silence. was Roseanne right is Jennie really missing... yes they fought and fought bad Jisoo spoke words she shouldn't.. how could she doubt Jennie her Nini. she left everything for her... her family her house... she made her Jisoo the Star. she planned her career... but never took the credit.. if she would have done this for anybody else.. she would have been the best manager and would have made very good money.... Jisoo was not able to think where Jennie was.. she closed her eyes her pain oozed out of her eyes in form of tears. after few hours a police man approached her ''you are free to go''

Jisoo nodded and walked out... her security led her to the car saving her from numerous media questions... but this time Jisoo cared less. she just wanted her life her Nini back.. Jiyeon got in with her and started explaining her the next step. but Jisoo wasn't listening she just wanted to know where Jennie was.... Roseanne had blamed her... that hit her was she really responsible.... Jennie wasn't that weak.. she was emotional. but not the one to vanish run or take her life.. something was at miss.

Shooting Location New york

Lisa finished her shot..... she was an one take artist but today she had taken so many retakes that the director asked her to take a break. Lisa gulped some water and checked her phone.. she was annoyed there were no calls or messages from Roseanne from past 3 days... Kangsoo came and whispered something in her ear... Lisa got up and ran to her vanity... she barged in and smiled ''heiress...''

Roseanne turned around and smiled... she was dressed in a light pink knee length dress.. her hair tied in a high bun... she had paired her dress with cute white pumps... Lisa walked to her admiring her... she stood infront of her and pulled her close... Roseanne smiled cutely at her placing both her palms on her chest ''you worry too much... see I am fine''

Lisa ''because I love you'' she pecked her forehead deep and asked..... heiress why don't you question me on Miyeon and our relationship ''

Roseanne cupped her face ''Simple ...I trust you '' Roseanne gave her a cute childish look and Lisa hugged her..... Roseanne felt amazing calmness in her arms... she responded her hug by coming closer to her. Lisa tighten her grip on her waist omitting all the distance between them.. Lisa buried her face in the crook of her neck........... Roseanne smiled tilting her neck giving her access... Lisa smiled and whispered ''you are breath taking''

Roseanne replied ''Hmm I know....and you know your hug is just mind blowing.. I can stay in your arms till eternity''

Lisa took a deep breath.... ''heiress can I kiss you '' Roseanne whispered ''what are you waiting for '' Lisa smiled watched her for a second before leaning for a kiss............. but they were interrupted by Miyeon who got to know of Roseanne visiting Lisa... she barged in giving both a burning look.... but neither Lisa nor Roseanne moved away from each other they were still close holding eachother...

Miyeon glared ''What the hell Lisa you can't just do to this to me'' Roseanne smiled cupped Lisa's face and kissed her cheek deep.....

Lisa smiled at Roseanne still holding her waist ''I guess you got your answer so can you please move out and let us continue whatever we were busy with''

Miyeon glared at Roseanne '' You are a slut''

Roseanne ''So are you... don't mess Miyeon... leave from here and her life ... she is mine now''

Miyeon ''never'' Roseanne smirked turned Lisa's face towards her and planted her lips on her... Lisa gripped her waist tightly exploring her lips... Roseanne's palms moved all over her back and then into her thick hair... Miyeon couldn't believe her eyes the Lisa she knew who never had a single affair was shamelessly making out infront of her eyes........ Roseanne Lisa parted being breathless..... they smiled lovingly at each other. Roseanne turned to Miyeon Lisa looped her arms around her waist and kept her chin on her shoulder smiling challenging Miyeon......... Roseanne kept her palms over Lisa's on her waist ''I guess now you know who she has decided to be with.. leave if you don't want to be insulted''

Miyeon was burning ''I won't spare you both Lisa you like it or not you will have to spend your life with me...'' She stomped and left. Lisa turned Roseanne around ''She won't stay quite.. I don't want her uttering nonsense about you''

Roseanne kept her head on her shoulder hugging her ''Relax.. she won't utter a word... she can't afford to lose you... and your girl isn't made of roses she is all thorns''

Lisa lifted her chin ''my girl is a rose..... and I love her even if she is a thorn''

Roseanne was emotional ''Thorns pricks and make one bleed''

Lisa ''then let me bleed... I don't care...... ''

Roseanne ''Lisa why me ??? are not even my first...yes I like you my heart wants to be with you... but I don't want to hurt you. ''

Lisa smiled lifted her hand and filled the gap of her fingers with hers ''Because I am the one made for you........ this is why your first never worked and we met..... stop thinking so much... just live the moment. '' Roseanne nodded before hugging Lisa tightly... yes she has decided to give love a chance...

To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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