Chapter 5

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Somewhere in darkness

When you have a blank present and future...your mind lingers in the past and this was what happening with Jennie...her heart was in immense pain, she felt no one cares where she was and that hurts bad............Jisoo...................... she seemed to have forgotten her.....even her parents.... aren't they worried??? Jennie's mind was pleading..... ''I know I broke their heart...and I am sorry. But why can't they forgive me...Please Mom your Nini needs you....I can't reach them....... why I can't feel them around.....I want to hear them... want them to tell me that everything will be fine....I am scared...I can't see a's all dark. I don't know where I am and for how long I have been here... I am stuck and all I have as a solace is my beautiful and lovely past... ''

Jennie's mind takes her back to a sweet memory.... She was 5 years old and came back home all grumpy... her Mom smiled,; ''Why is my doll so sad'' Jennie pouted....'' school name is Jennie... and home name is Nini.... and when teacher calls me by my school name...I answers her.................... But this Rosie is so stupid. Teacher kept calling her name Roseanne but she did not respond.... everyone was teasing me ...telling me that my sister is dumb... It's so insulting''

Jennie's Mom let out a laugh and pulled her in a hug but she was still angry....looking angrily at her twin.... Rosie...

And Rosie

Well she was busy licking chocolate off her fingers least bothered... And slowly everyone started calling her Rosie, she was officially Rosie Park. Roseanne was just on papers, a name known only to family.

Rosie was Nini's best friend sister... Jennie wanted to say sorry to her too. Jennie wasn't there when her Rosie was in pain... Rosie smiled because her Nini was happy...she kept hiding her tears....she shared Jennie's smiles, sorrow, happiness, her achievements. Etc. Even if no one is looking for her, Jennie's heart knew Rosie must be looking for her...she won't give up on her. They were together even before they opened their eyes into the world....... Jennie was 5 minutes elder to her...they were twins...yet different... Roseanne looked exactly like her dad and Jennie was the replica of her Mom. But they had one thing in common.... dark brown eyes.... being opposite was their strength... Roseanne was strong ... but Jennie was emotional. Mason would always say that Rosie (Roseanne) would be a big entrepreneur...she had all in her...

Jennie soul cried recalling their fight. She had called Roseanne to a restaurant to let her meet Jisoo.. But as soon as Roseanne saw her, her expression changed, even Jisoo was little uncomfortable towards her. Roseanne just exchanged greetings and left...she was very rude to Jisoo... Jennie reached home. And questioned her; ''Why Rosie....why were you so rude. ''

Roseanne just kept herself busy...without turning back she replied; ''Nini she is not good for you... I don't get good vibes from her''

Jennie was furious she could never take anything negative on Jisoo...; '' Rosie I know her for 10 yrs..'' how can you judge her in a day'' Rosie turned around all furious; ''Are you kidding me 10 yrs.. You never told me about her Nini....Oh.... now I get it, she is your stupid email friend. And she is the one for whom you used to miss your classes for right??? Nini Dad won't agree''

Jennie turned her eyes away... she was guilty of hiding something big ''I.... I wanted to understand my feelings for her'' Roseanne replied sarcastically; ''And you made a Nobel discovery that you love that trash more than your family''

Jennie started crying................. Roseanne was never so rude with Jennie....she was a short tempered girl...but not with her... Jennie spoke sobbing vigorously... ''I will die without her.. ''

Roseanne kept quite Jennie could hear her anger in her haggard breathing.. she spoke after sometime; ''Fine Nini...but don't take a stupid decision, when time is right we will talk to Mom and dad...but I should know all.. Before you make a move okay'' She turned away and stood looking out of the window...

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