Chapter 28

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Eden view

Roseanne read the message she rolled her eyes Lisa was half successful as after reading the message.... a soft smile covered Roseanne's lips.. she whispered 'waiting'

Jennie had been pondering about the past a lot she wanted to speak to Eunha once more and dialed Heechul ''keep eunha up need to speak to her''

Heechul ''she is not in a condition to talk''

Jennie ''Why??? what reason ''

Heechul huffed ''Rosie ran her car over her legs after she got to know that she was responsible for your accident... I think she will lose her mental balance''

Jennie blinked ''Heechul get her treated she shouldn't die '' Jennie disconnected... her POV 'Rosie!!!!...this girl can be so rash...... God what should I do with her'

Jennie barged into Roseanne's cabin ''Why did you do this''

Roseanne looked up from her mobile ''What would you do to a person who would tried killing me........ answer this''

Jennie ''You are impossible''

Roseanne ''So are you...... why didn't you tell me you were married''

Jennie ''Because you already knew...... you were the one to get my stuff from my apartment...''

Roseanne ''And this Why.... I let Jisoo breathe..... Nini go back to her ''

 Jennie ''Not before our plan succeeds.. ''

Roseanne ''Why do you think someone wanted you dead''

Jennie ''First try was out of anger frustration.... next was out of fear.. to hide the previous one... you know what Rosie we really don't have to anything just have to provoke them and they will do it again''

Roseanne smiled ''Bingo!!! this is why you are my sister''

Cho Residence

Miyeon injected herself again... she leaned on the recliner recalling her past she was born in this industry and always dreamt to be a part of it she would watch the beautiful Hollywood beauties on the screen.... enamoured by them she always wanted to be one of them... and it seemed easy. she was beautiful... her father had one of the biggest and most successful production house in the Industry... she was Jaehyun's only child a spoilt brat...... Miyeon had the habit of getting what she wanted... and she wanted fame.. irrespective of the fact how it came.. she wanted to be the no.1 Pg3 celebrity.

Jaehyun decided to launch his daughter with a big budget flick. it had all the ingredients of a successful film... action romance, drama, music.. but they forgot too many cooks spoils the broth. Jaehyun wanted his daughter to be launched against a bankable start.. as in Hollywood movies were mainly sold on the male protagonist name............... but no one agreed as the complete script had Miyeon on it and there was nothing for a male actor to do... Lisa being a family's friends daughter couldn't reject directly... but cited date issues.. Jaehyun decided to cast Jisoo.. she was called as a one film wonder. her debut movie was a blockbuster but many believed she won't stay for long as she had no godfather.

Jisoo was ecstatic to get an offer from Cho productions....... without wasting a minute she met them in office she agreed to do the movie without reading the script... Jaehyun... told Jisoo that he would be sending the papers and signing amount to Jisoo's place in few days... but something changed in 2 days the man who had gone to get Jisoo's sign on the contract with the signing amount came back with empty hands.... Jisoo had turned down the offer... later Miyeon and Jaehyun got to know it was because Jisoo's manager Jennie asked her to...... Jaehyun nevertheless launched his daughter with an unknown face... the movie was a disaster making Jaehyun sink into debts... and Miyeon well she was branded as a pathetic starlet.... critics banned her and suggested her to marry a rich guy and have babies and not torture the audience with her acting.......................... Miyeon's movie and acting was being mocked at the award shows... which she had to take with a fake laughter in the name of the spirit.... her dream shattered before it took its flight she had been bought up like a queen... rather than fighting back.. she started the blame game... blaming everyone.... being in news for all bad reasons.. Miyeon even bad mouthed Jennie pointing fingers at her character but Jisoo came out in open.... declaring Jennie as her fiancé shutting everyone once for all. people stopped taking Miyeon seriously.... as Jisoo was a rising star and....... her and Jennie's team was a hit... Miyeon started taking drugs she would pass taunt at Jisoo and Jennie whenever they would cross her path during parties or awards. whenever Jisoo got the award... she dedicated it to Jennie ..... Miyeon burned in her jealousy blamed Jennie and Jisoo for her destruction...... she wanted them to suffer...

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