Chapter 17

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Eden View

Roseanne walked into Jennie's room she was sitting on her wheel chair staring out at the endless sea.. Roseanne went and hugged her from behind; ''Nini why so sad''

Jennie smiled ''Rosie will I be able to walk''

Roseanne walked front kneeling in front of Jennie ''Yes this is temporary.. only till you gain strength... Nini... will you speak to Mom and Dad. Please!''

Jennie ''I am ashamed ...I broke their heart''

Roseanne ''No you just followed your heart... we understand that... please... for them'' Jennie nodded getting a hug from Roseanne

Jennie ''You took over SKYLINE Halbeoji's firm............... girl you are rocking.. Rosie aren't you scared of kind of people you deal in construction business''

Roseanne ''No I use my brain Nini I own FRAMES Entertainment too'' Jennie looked at Roseanne wide eyed trying to figure out what she just said

Roseanne smiled ''you loved working in this industry. so I thought why not invest here''

Jennie ''this is it Rosie or there is more''

Roseanne knew Jennie... she can never hide things from Jennie hence she changed her plan... the war was now out in open. Jisoo will see who Roseanne was but Jennie will know only things that Roseanne wanted her to hear.... only this was the way in which Roseanne could check Sana and Jennie both.

Roseanne gave Jennie a loving smile ''there is a lot more. but for that you need to be fine soon and sit on the chair of the CEO FRAMES... and from next week I will bring some work you should start on to it '' Jennie's eyes started filling up this was Rosie.... her Rosie.... who would do anything and everything for her loving sister..... Jennie extended her arms and Roseanne gave her a tight hug they had missed each other for very long. Roseanne helped Jennie to lie on the bed and walked out her phone inbox was full of Lisa's messages.... she knew she was head on heels mad for her.. but she won't make it easy.

Media Board Meet

Roseanne entered the board room minus Sana...... she knew Sana was looking for one chance to stop her... but Roseanne was something else..... The board members greeted her... some knew her and others were meeting her for the first time...they were awestruck................... she was so young to be so successful...Roseanne fake smiles and gestures when anyone complimented her...she had come with an intention. she already had people in her support...once all were seated.. the spokes person started; ''we are here to elect chairperson for our Media board...we have 3 names. Mr Kim Joohyun head Nova Media , Mrs Ha Jiwon President Eon Group and Ms Roseanne Park CEO FRAMES Media and Entertainment  please cast your vote in next 15 min. Once the voting was done.... the result was declared... Roseanne won the majority by 50%....she knew that before all clapped for her and she raised her glass to the spokesperson Gong Yoo who did the work for her...he bowed...after a small celebration. the first board meeting started...

Roseanne took the place of chairperson she spoke ''So my question to all of you is...we need stars or stars need us'' The debate started. and it went on and on for 2 hrs...Roseanne spoke at the end ''We make them stars and we have been continuously blamed for penetrating their privacy I mean we aren't Gods...we get tips.... and these tips come from the publicity hungry stars.. for example last month a big star was visiting a holy place with his parents and kids.. and when media followed and captured him he broke the camera.. I mean if he wanted it to be private why did he make a post on social media about the trip...there are many more.....but its high time. we answer back....they need us.. we don't''

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