Chapter 37

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Sana pulled open the curtains of her room window, she smiled looking at the scenic view.... suddenly she froze... someone was waving at her................... Sana blinked rubbed her eyes.. and realized ''Tzuyu !!!!!....No no no... this can't be true I am dreaming... '' She closed her eyes for a minute and counted till 10 before opening them.... she was gone.. Sana slapped her head ''what squirt why are you thinking of her'' Sana was about to turn away from the window.. when she saw her again waving at her................ she felt dizzy and passed out

Sangmin was himself serving today... he loved cooking for twins ''Ahjussi where is Squirt''

Sangmin ''That girl has gone mad...... she said she saw a ghost and fainted''

Claire ''Fainted????..... Mason call the doctor'' Jennie, Roseanne were equally worried.. the difference was...... Roseanne was worried and Jennie faked it

Jennie's POV ''Squirt you will see a lot of that ghost in coming days..'' it was hard for her to cover that smile of hers..................... she messaged Tzuyu 'Good work' and quickly deleted the history..

Sana finished her dinner and retired to her room.... she quickly got into her blanket, Mason had asked her to join the estates.. Sana rolled over to her right and then rolled back on her back..... she was restless. something was missing in her life she turned to her left . Tzuyu smiled at her. she was about to scream... when Tzuyu covered her mouth with her palm.. pinning her under her body... Sana was blinking like a doll..... Tzuyu watched her face, her confusion... she smiled placing a peck on her forehead releasing her mouth.. she whispered ''Are you real''

Tzuyu husked on her cheek ''Ask yourself..... close your eyes and sleep you need rest''

Sana quickly shut her eyes ''yes I need to sleep I am hallucinating due to lack of sleep'' Roseanne shook her... Sana eyes flew open ''Rosie.. what are you doing here''

Roseanne ''stopping your midnight dialogue when did you start talking in your sleep.. '' Sana was now confident that she lost her head, she quickly covered her head shutting her eyes.... Jennie gave Tzuyu a hifi helping her sneak out.. later in the night she called Tzuyu '' Now you are on your own.... Roseanne will eventually figure out who this ghost is... and I don't want squirt to think that I influenced her decision...''

Tzuyu ''Jennie thanks for all..... from now on it's my job to convince San'' Jennie disconnected she frowned 'San... Tzuyu should think of a better nickname.. '

Roseanne coaxed Sana and got to know about the ghost. she understood in a second that this was Jennie.. Roseanne prowled towards her room, she dashed in pushed Jennie on bed and sat on her... ''you..... it had to be you.... I know only you can make such childish plan''

Jennie pushed Roseanne on the bed sitting on her now ''I knew you would find out... but it wasn't childish it was cute... sweet and a simple plan.. not like one of your's... wild ones''

Roseanne pushed Jennie off her body ''you are fat''

Jennie growled ''Those are called curves... which you lack... wooden stick.. '' Roseanne picked a pillow throwing on Jennie's face..... Jennie picked another one to answer Roseanne's attack..... Claire barged into the room hearing the commotion... her jaw dropped looking at her daughters fighting like toddlers. they were rolling on the bed pushing one another... pushing pulling hairs Claire took a deep breath but then lost her head ''Nini-Rosie stop at once''

Both sisters stopped immediately.... room was full of torn pillows Claire pointed her finger around the room ''what were you two thinking''

Roseanne walked on knees coming closer to Claire ''Mom it's all her fault.. she is trying to influence squirt's decision''

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