Chapter 8

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Lisa's bungalow

Lisa came back home and greeted her parents... her dad met her as if he was meeting his fan and not his daughter..... Lisa ignored and played along she was used to it now....she went to her mother's room... Chittip Manoban Lisa smiled looking at her sitting and reading............ she softly spoke; ''How are you Mom''

Chittip smile; ''Lisa.....give me a hug.. '' Lisa hugged her and Chittip held her for some time...; ''So how was everything. and how is Miyeon'

Lisa faked a smile; ''All good..... Mom why did you keep your relationship when it wasn't working between you and dad''

Chittip; ''because we loved each other.. and none of us thought of a life without each might sound stupid to you....but even today.. when nothing is like before...if I am late in getting up any morning... your dad panics....thinking he lost me...Lisa he might be stubborn.... but he is my first and last love....and I am his... ''

Lisa; ''Is love that powerful''

Chittip smiled and caressed her face; '' Love can turn a personality around.....even a lamb becomes a lion for love....Oh leave all that............................. do meet Ella.....after you left the girl got sick... your father interfered when Kyunghoon was thrashing her and we all know Kyunghoon only cares for his son....... And neglects Ella bad''

Lisa got worried she hugged her mom and walked hurriedly towards the quarters of the domestic help........................... she walked in and found Ella lying on the bed... she caressed her head; ''Ella... look your babe is here''

Ella opened her eyes.... and whispered in a weak and weeping voice; ''I missed you ma'am.... father didn't let me go to school.... he slapped me''

Lisa; ''No more ma'am....its Babe'' Lisa lifted her up and walked back into her mansion... Kyunghoon suddenly came infront of her. Lisa gave him a death glare...and walked off....she called for a doctor to get Ella treated. she caressed her head...and Ella asked innocently; ''Babe... did you miss me''

Lisa smiled; ''everyday....and I brought you a camera...... you wanted to learn photography... right. ''

Ella squealed and hugged her; ''will you teach me?''

Lisa; ''Yes.... tell me when to start''

Ella thought; ''Today...'' Lisa smiled and nodded....... '' Marco watched his daughter from the door and felt proud of her golden heart he wanted Lisa to be like Chittip and not like him....he turned to leave............. and found Chittip watching him from the other corner....he just smiled at her.... time had created distance between them....... but they still loved each other

Eden View

It was night... Sana watched Roseanne stuffing some clothes in a gym bag she frowned....''don't tell me you are going for swimming at this hour... Rosie its 10:00 PM''

Roseanne; ''Good ...I love feels so me''

Sana got irritated; ''You know what you are stubborn crazy and mad..... who swims in a sea at the night time''

Roseanne turned around...hugged Sana and pecked her cheek... ''Me and I know you are coming '' Sana stomped and followed her.....

Lisa's Bungalow

Lisa peeped out it was dark..... she gestured Ella to followed her they both were dressed alike....Lisa pulled out her small car... she knew no one would think that its Lisa driving that small low budget car... once out of the Bungalow premises Ella and Lisa screamed together....... Lisa took her to all good places and helped her click pictures.. finally she took her to the beach.... Ella jumped clapping in happiness; ''Thank you Babe...... Ok can you click the pictures of waves for me. with night vision''

Lisa made the adjustments and focused in a direction.... she zoomed and saw a girl sitting on the beach....Lisa could get only her side profile.... she clicked... she moved the focus onto the waves but her breath was caught in her throat.. she could see someone swimming between the night roaring waves.... Lisa removed it and blinked towards the waves she couldn't see due to darkness ... she zoomed again and saw the swimmer is a girl.... Lisa whispered; ''Brave '' she kept focusing..... the girl stood up and walked towards the other girl siting on the sand.... she was dressed in a fitting black gym suit.. after few minutes a black SUV came and stopped by....the girls got in and left....Lisa smiled.... and zoomed at the picture she clicked....she smiled looking at the picture...... she was looking down while walking....long hairs...clean skin....she smiled. Ella was looking at her she finally asked; ''Babe which one did you like...both were good better than Miyeon ma'am.....''

Lisa watched her disgusted expression on Miyeon's name and smiled she pulled her cheeks threw her over her shoulder spanking her lovingly and walked to her car.

Jisoo's Penthouse

Jiyeon knocked on the door but received no response..... she gently pushed the door and peeped in there was one of the most handsome star of the country...Jisoo....she was lying on her stomach in just a sports bra and track pants....... Jiyeon's heart raced at the glance of her bare body...... she looked around took her shoes off and tip toed ....she sat facing her...... her dark hair tanned body and sharp features were setting her desires on fire....Jiyeon gently shook her...but she didn't flinch...she noticed a whiskey bottle lying on the floor and smiled at her luck..... she moved closer to her face and blew a warm breath over her face...her need for her rising now..... she gently moved her fingers on her back...moving closer lying next to Jisoo watching her sleep ...

she whispered; ''All these years I have waited for your single glance but you never noticed were so lost in Jennie yes she was beautiful more than any girl I had seen....I hated her....and I hate her now Jisoo-Jiyeon suits...give me a chance one will love you more than me'' She smiled thinking of her confession she knew she hadn't heard a word....Jiyeon pecked Jisoo on her cheek and walked out.....

Jisoo stretched after few minutes and opened her eyes he pulled Jennie's picture under her chest... she always slept with her heart on the picture.... Jisoo smiled with her drugged eyes; ''I still can't sleep without holding you...... ''

Thankyou for reading


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