Chapter 16

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Jisoo woke up..... she decided to visit Park residence and have one to one talk with Mason to know where he had hidden her Jennie... Jisoo quickly dressed up... to mask her identity jisoo used some disguises... but Jisoo wasn't aware of the surprise waiting on the other side of the door... as she stepped out and moved to the lobby she was greeted by flashes..... mikes and many hungry reporters with them there was her family.... or people who should have been her family.. Jisoo was shocked... how did the details on the trip got leaked... who did that.. she was trying to figure out a new plan. but before she could think she was bombarded with questions ''Jisoo are you here for some shoot''

Jisoo kept her calm ''it's a private visit... please respect my privacy. I need to leave''

''So... did you intentionally leak about your visit.... Is this a publicity stunt''

Jisoo ''No comments''

Reporter ''Jisoo we have got a tip that you are here to take your girlfriend back''

Jisoo just ignored it.. but questions never stopped ''Jisoo people say that she left you because of your temper issues there are rumours that she left you due to your alleged link ups. But if sources are to be believed.................. your ex is now married and settled happily....''

One of them mocked ''seems she got bored of her and settled for a better option...'' Jisoo lost her cool.................. she snatched the camera and smashed it before punching the person on face.. Jisoo's body guard had to use al their strength to pull her off..... Jisoo screamed ''Not a word against her... do you get that''

her guards dragged her away.... the injured reporter was rushed to the hospital....'' Jisoo was huffing like a tiger... she was least concerned about the repercussions.. Sangmin just watched all this and messaged Roseanne......

Eden View

Roseanne was watching the news..... all the channels were just flashing Jisoo's violent outburst... she laughed ''Jisoo you should thank me.... I made you famous.... once in past you made me famous... I evened that... more to come''

As a memory hit her... tears started pouring.. she clenched her dress with one arm and covered her mouth with other.. she didn't wanted anyone to hear her...her POV 'Jisoo I know all about you..... you cannot escape me.. you are responsible for the death of Rosie.... and Roseanne will destroy you ''

Roseanne right now looked like a young simple fragile doll who looked beautiful... but if someone touched her.. she would crumble to dust.. Roseanne's POV ''what was my fault.... that I loved with a pure heart... and the one I loved tore it apart.... I have been burning since years Jisoo.... you will burn too.... I will not forgive you... for me... for Jennie...for my family I won't you will know what a wounded heart does''

It is said that if God gives you wounds she blesses you with cure too.. Roseanne's phone buzzed... it was a picture message.. the picture from the day of photo-shoot.... Lisa had clicked Roseanne without her noticing her...... Roseanne was sitting crossed leg on the chair... looking sideways..... she had placed her hand under her chin.. appearing to be in deep thought.. it was a perfect click... Roseanne smiled... she got another message from Lisa. 'I want you in my arms... but till you say yes.... I will be kissing this one..... she is mine'

Roseanne 'Crazy people its so easy to bring this breed down ' She messaged her.... 'we have to meet... its important'

Lisa 'Aha..... finally heiress...... your place or mine'

Roseanne 'Mine....FRAMES... do message me your availability and yes check your social media profiles hope you like them' Whatever it was but Lisa made her smile.... Roseanne's intercom buzzed it was her Nini Roseanne relaxed and walked out of her study to be with her darling sister


Sana watched the news in FRAMES office...... she was still trying to figure outwhether this was planned or it was an accident that media got the tip of Jisoo's visit... Sana's POV... 'if this is planned........ then how does Rosie get these details.... who gives her all these information..... first I have to find out what went wrong between Jennie and Jisoo..... I have to find the missing links and speak to Ahjumma.... because Rosie will not listen and my own dad supports her blindly....''

New york Film City

Lisa was busy in a shoot... it was a hectic schedule... they had to shoot for an action sequence and it was a tiring one.... Lisa's character was supposed to be fighting some Ninja fighters, all the actors and fighters were tied to the harness the constant pulling up and down of harness was sucking all her energy from the body... they had done 10 retakes as one of the actor was not able to wave his sword like a Ninja.... the director was going mad... Leaving Lisa, everyone was irritated.... Lisa made the new comer comfortable....... the boy got nervous when asked to attack Lisa..... Lisa offered him water and made him relaxed... she started conversing with him like a long lost friend.. the boy started opening up... Lisa told him about herself struggle..... making the boy open up... after a half an hour break it was a perfect shot. the director clapped for Lisa' s effort and her generous nature...

Lisa walked inside her vanity.... she was exhausted..... she needed a quick shower.. when she stepped out she found Miyeon in a thigh slit dress sitting on the chair with her legs wide. Lisa gave her one look threw the towel in a corner and turned away from her... even her open legs were not inviting for her... Miyeon got up and walked to her and gently started massaging her shoulder.. Lisa got annoyed ''What are you doing Miyeon''

Miyeon replied innocently ''easing your muscles... you look exhausted let me help you to relax darling....'' Miyeon hugged her from behind... ''lets go out and enjoy''

Lisa moved away towards her wardrobe and pulled a white full sleeve tshirt... ''No I have committed my time to Ella... she has her term exams''

Miyeon moved her hands under her T-shirt ''I need you''

Lisa ''You can take my card.... but my time belongs to Ella...''

Miyeon got irritated ''Why the hell you care for that servants daughter so much'' Lisa warned ''She is my sister.... not a word against her......... Miyeon we have discussed this before... Ella is a family to me and very dear to my heart.... and now please leave.. I know the reason for your sudden care ad love''

Miyeon ''samee pinch Lisa I know the reason for you ignoring me... Roseanne you want her''

Lisa went close to Miyeon and whispered ''Yes I want her and I will get her... now just leave''

Miyeon smirked ''Fine... go screw her.. have some fun.... end of the day you will have to come back to me.... you know it why'' Miyeon left a disturbed Lisa behind.


Sana received a mail about an urgent meeting of top media professionals..... they had invited Roseanne............ Sana had been attending on her behalf.... she messaged Roseanne about it... Roseanne smirked and told Sana that she will herself attend this year... shocking Sana to the core...

                       To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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