Chapter 18

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Eden View

Jennie had been taking physiotherapy sessions regularly...Roseanne and Sana's motivation had ignited the desire in her to stand and be herself again... face everything again... Jennie checked the projects Roseanne was working on... she came across Lisa's project and her face lit up...

Jennie POV 'Wow Rosie you really must be good that Lisa hired you..... now I will help you making this project a success' Jennie quickly dialed Roseanne she got a loving response ''yes Nini''

Jennie ''Congrats Rosie you are working with Lisa''

Roseanne ''Nope... she is working with me''

Jennie rolled her eyes ''Ok she is working with you... can I help she is an amazing person... and I know her too''

Roseanne smiled ''want to meet her''

Jennie lost her smiled ''Not now Rosie.... I am not ready but one day for sure.. till then I will work from home''

Roseanne ''Nini let me know when you are ready FRAMES awaits its CEO''

Jennie ''Rosie you built it.... I don't want it''

Roseanne ''you would do the same if you were in my place.. and I am not giving you anything for free. you are working on all my projects and based on your eligibility and your quality of work you will be awarded. so take a chill pill and give your best''

Jennie imitated Roseanne's ''GIVE UR BEST...'' they laughed and Jennie disconnected.


Roseanne leaned on her chair and smiled...her POV ''I shared this project because I knew you were friends with Lisa... I want Lisa to bring Jisoo down...Nini made Jisoo and now indirectly you will bring her down by moving Lisa up... Jisoo you don't know I am going to hit you hard... straight in your heart''

Sana understood all she broke Roseanne's trance ''So the feelings you have been throwing at Lisa are fake.... you are using her''

Roseanne stared at Sana with a blank expression.. She got up from her chair and walked towards the majestic glass window. Roseanne kept her back at Sana and then asked ''Do you think its fake..... my feelings''

Sana was angry.. she shot back ''with you anything is possible''

Roseanne smiled sadly... ''Then so be it...I have stopped answering people I cannot force anyone to believe'' Roseanne turned around facing Sana... the room lighting was minimum as Roseanne loved dark and right now her position with light was such that her face was in light yet dark her eyes were piercing..... Sana knew this was the sign of ending the discussion.... Roseanne with a stoned voice asked...''I think I gave you some work. is it done?''

Sana ''Yes... these are list of Jisoo's endorsements...... the projects she was and is working plus the new ones''

Roseanne ''Good... I think you should leave..... office hours are over and Nini will be feeling lonely''

Sana ''What about you?''

Roseanne ''I will be late.... the car is ready leave''

Sana nodded and spoke in soft voice ''I know you will no more tell me what your plans are.............. but I won't budge till I stop you''

Roseanne smirked and gave Sana an open challenge ''I never want you to stop... you are my only hope squirt... I trust you'' Sana stood confused... Roseanne threw an emotional ball knocking her out... Sana may or may not agree... but she could never deceive Roseanne'' Sana walked out and pressed the elevator button... As the doors slid open... Sana froze... there stood Jisoo... all murderous... she walked out and Sana blocked her path ''How can you just walk in like that... you need to leave''

Jisoo ''I am not in a right frame of mind... if you love yourself move''

Sana '' since you are not using your head you need to leave'' Jisoo held Sana's arm and pushed her aside... Sana stumbled and hit her head on the wooden wall piece... Jisoo sauntered towards Roseanne's cabin........... she pushed open the door and dashed in... followed by Sana...... Roseanne looked up and gave her a bored expression.. but her anger reached its peak looking at Sana's bruised forehead... she leaped at Sana ''Squirt are you fine..... Jisoo you shouldn't have touched her ''

Jisoo ''She is alive... now you will answer me''

Roseanne made Sana sit and turned to Jisoo ''Roseanne Park has a status and she never answers a garbage like you......... get out before you lose everything''

Jisoo ''Where is Jennie?''

Roseanne ''Exactly... where is she? when she went missing you were busy shooting aboard... and she went missing because you broke her heart or you did something to her... tell me Jisoo.. where is my sister?''

Jisoo ''Don't act... I know you have her....... tell me or''

Roseanne ''Don't dare me Jisoo you know where have I brought you and you don't know where I am taking you so for now leave.... leave ''

Jisoo ''Rosie. I can kill for Jennie''

Roseanne smirked ''Same pinch.... we are on the same platform but with a difference... you killed her and I will destroy you... watch me doing it. now get out''

Roseanne turned to Sana to tend her wound but she felt a strong grip on her arm... Jisoo pulled Roseanne by her arm ''Don't challenge me Rosie.... I can do anything.... you cannot imagine how mad I am.... I walked into your premises and your security couldn't stop me'' Jisoo gripped a glass piece to scare her

Roseanne noticed that, she gave Jisoo a devilish smile and whispered ''You walked in because I allowed....... you are gripping my hand because I wanted... now whatever will happen is going to be exactly what I want you will pay for touching Sana'' Roseanne gripped her wrist and banged the glass piece on her forehead.... Jisoo was left shocked she left her arm........... Sana almost lost her breath... Roseanne stumbled and pressed the emergency bell the guards rushed in caught hold of Jisoo... the head security dialed police Jisoo was dumbfound... she couldn't believe that Rosie aka Roseanne can even do this.... Sana made Roseanne sit... as the police approached Sana gave her statement shocking Jisoo... she told the police. that Jisoo was angry that FRAMES media refused to work with her after numerous attempts she forced Roseanne to accept her conditions, when Roseanne refused she smacked the glass piece on her head.............. she said Jisoo even assaulted her when she tried to intervene.... Jisoo was staring at Sana... she was still processing.... but a senior police officer asked her to walk with them..... Jisoo was being taken. she watched Roseanne the blood on her forehead seemed nothing as compared to the thirst of her destruction in her eyes.... Sana called the doctor.... and in next few hours Jisoo was the subject of breaking news....

Sana ''Why Rosie.... ?''

Roseanne smiled ''same pinch why did you stand by me when you don't like it''

Sana hugged her ''Because I love my Rosie'' Roseanne hugged her back ''And I love u too squirt''

Eden View

Jennie couldn't believe that Jisoo could stoop so low her anger started building... ''you did wrong Jisoo... Rosie is my life... you shouldn't have hurt her... I won't forgive this...'' Jennie sadly smiled thinking her pitiful situation... her breathing started turning hard... she punched her legs. her POV 'I have to get up.... all this is because of me.. but before that i need to find who did this to me.. come on Jennie you are Mason's daughter you will have to fight''

                  To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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