Chapter 31

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Manoban Mansion

Sana had to meet Lisa regarding her promotional shoot....... she directly went to her house.. the house staff directed her to Lisa's space on the first floor of the mansion.... Sana heard laughing sound she knocked the door.... no answer.. someone playfully said ''no one home''

Sana ''Lisa open the door............. ''

A second voice ''Who's there''

Sana recalled a childhood fairy tale and answered ''Big Bad wolf''

The voice ''Not by hair by the chinny chin chin'' Sana blinked someone else knew the story................ and then there was a roaring laughter on the other side of the door....

Sana was irritated ''I can't blow your house Lisa......... Rosie will kill me.. please stop fooling around''

Sana was about to bang the door again when someone pulled it open... Sana's brown eyes were locked with the light brown ones of a handsome stranger standing infront of her. she had brown hair with some blonde tinge... she checked her out and gave her a dreamy look. letting out a sigh ''Hey beautiful... I am Tzuyu'' Sana blinked and then blushed...

Lisa pulled Sana in ''She is Sana... my would be Sister in law........... no flirting with her.. Squirt can you give me two minutes and sorry about that little joke.... Tzuyu is quite a prankster.. ''

Sana was too nervous as Tzuyu had her eyes only on her..... she looked at Lisa ''I will wait downstairs''

Lisa ''Hey no you stay here... Tzuyu out... she is out of your league...'' Tzuyu extended her hand ''Fine how about being friends then.............. Hi I am Tzuyu Manoban Lisa's first cousin......... ''

Sana joined her hand with her ''Sana......... Roseanne's PA''

Lisa ''And Sister... squirt..... your sister will grow horns if you call yourself her PA''

Tzuyu ''Will you come for a coffee with me'' Sana blinked Lisa interrupted ''I just said no flirting with her........ get out Tzuyu''

Tzuyu lifted her hands up in surrender ''Fine sis.. '' she turned her eyes to Sana again ''See you around beautiful'' Tzuyu kept walking backwards with her eyes on Sana, once she was out of the door.............. she gave Sana a smart salute making her smile.. Tzuyu winked at Lisa and left Lisa just shook her head.

Sana didn't look at her..... she had a captivating personality and she didn't wanted to show that she was getting affected.. she looked at Lisa ''She looks more like a foreigner ''

Lisa smiled ''because her mom and my aunt is an Taiwanese..... ''

Sana ''Can we discuss about the shoot'' Lisa nodded and locked the doors so that her prankster sister doesn't disturb her........

Jiyeon's Apartment

Jiyeon was paranoid, she couldn't speak to anyone about Jennie hounding her..... her guilt was catching up with her and what hurt her most was that Jisoo didn't even check on her for once.... it felt like she didn't care or to be precise she never mattered to her.... all she did was to get Jisoo... to be her better half.......


It was monsoon and New york streets were flooded with water Jiyeon was happy about landing a job as Jisoo's Junior manager... she had to work with Jennie.. when she had first seen Jennie Jiyeon couldn't blink... Jennie had a captivating personality... she was beautiful in appearance with a kind of warmth that would make anyone comfortable within seconds....... her aura was so positive and strong... Jiyeon was in awe of Jennie.. she wanted to be like Jennie that moment... after finishing the interview Jennie looked at Jiyeon with a beautiful smile ''So when can you join us???''

Jiyeon ''Umm in 15 days''

Jennie raised a brow ''you don't have a job and you want to wait for 15 days... why so???''

Jiyeon fidgeted ''I am having few more interviews''

Jennie smiled closing the folder that held Jiyeon's certificates ''Honest !!! I like that.... fine you are hired.... I will wait just 15 days............ after that you lose the job''

Jiyeon blinked she didn't knew if she should celebrate or cry.... she nodded took her file and walked out lost in her thoughts. Jennie's assistant handed her the offer letter.... Jiyeon took a good glance.... Salary was something she had never expected... she danced and decided to join. she ran back to Jennie's cabin to let her know that she was joining the very next day.. but her feet halted from the crook of the door, she saw Jisoo... her heart picked up a different pace....... she was so handsome.. strong.. her heart smile sent waves of excitement into Jiyeon's body she was hugging Jennie from behind with her face buried in her neck.... Jennie was giggling at whatever she was doing.............. they looked like one soul... so lost in each other. every girl would want her partner to look at her with those eyes which Jisoo had for Jennie.... Jiyeon shook her head at her bad luck and left... Jisoo was another motivation to join Jennie's team... Jisoo started growing on Jiyeon with each passing day... the way she held Jennie.. looked at her... her possessiveness was so beautiful. Jiyeon fell in love with Jisoo's love for Jennie eventually falling for Jisoo....

Jiyeon did all to curb her feelings..... but its said sometimes your peers are your enemies.... Jiyeon's liking for Jisoo was too obvious.. her peers and team started teasing her on her name... making her heart dream about her more and more... she started imagining herself with Jisoo... she would often cook up a story in her head of Jisoo throwing Jennie away from her life and going on knees for her.... small dream turned into a obsession... she started believing it to be true... she was so sure that Jisoo would leave Jennie for her... but her bubble was broken when she barged inside her vanity unannounced... where Jennie was in Jisoo arms... and her lips worshiping her... as soon as Jiyeon stepped in... Jisoo covered Jennie from her view using her body... she roared in a way that sent Jiyeon running... she was scared...... that moment she realised she can not have Jisoo with Jennie around that's when she found Miyeon smirking at her....

Miyeon ''You love her don't you ?''

Jiyeon knew Miyeon was friends with Jisoo ''I am sorry ma'am you are mistaken I just work for her''

Miyeon looped an arm around her shoulder ''lets discuss this over a cup of coffee'' Miyeon sipped her coffee and smirked looking at a nervous Jiyeon ''I know how it feels when one you love doesn't even look at you''

Jiyeon ''do you love someone....... ''

Miyeon ''yes... I do... leave me... I hate Jennie she is the reason my career got ruined.... she made Jisoo back out from my debut movie. she is harmful for her career''

Jiyeon ''then you hate Jisoo too???''

Miyeon let out a sardonic laugh ''Oh she is a baby she is too sweet to be hated... it's Jennie... she is making her dance on her tunes... if she continues she will soon be out of business''

Jiyeon ''whatever projects Jennie selected have been a success.. ''

Miyeon ''Agreed... but all small budget or unknown banner movies..... Jisoo has to do few big banners to be a super star. and do you think she can beat Lisa with the pace she is going''

Jiyeon ''Lisa is friends with Jennie''

Miyeon ''Not just friends.. they are sleeping around... I have seen it with my own eyes''

Jiyeon was angry ''How can she betray Jisoo.... her love... such a bitch she is''

Miyeon knew it worked.. love is blind.. it never sees the other side... ''I can get rid of her and no one will know... then Jisoo will have no option than to run into your arms'' Jiyeon thought and agreed... anything for Jisoo... her mind screamed... from then on Lisa-Jennie rumours started... Jisoo-Jennie started getting into fights and then Jennie's accident......


Jiyeon came back to present with the loud banging of the front door.... she got up with the shaking legs and peeped out through the peephole. her heart rejoiced... it was Jisoo. she quickly undid the numerous locks which she had put on the door and pulled open the door... to her surprise.. Jennie walked out..... from behind Jisoo....... Jiyeon's body dropped on the floor in a lump.......

To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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