Chapter 14

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Eden View

It was Tuesday the day of photo shoot. after finishing her day at skyline..... Roseanne came back home............... she went inside Jennie's room and pecked her.''Nini I will be late today don't wait and get worried sleep or else you will get dark circles'' Roseanne got Sana 's message and she walked into her room....and sat in front of the mirror........ Roseanne kept staring at her reflection and then moved her gaze to the dressing table.... Roseanne lifted the eyeliner and lined her big eyes........... she applied little mascara curling her long beautiful lashes..... Roseanne had beautiful flawless skin she just applied a little glow to her skin....and painted her lips in shimmery red she pulled out her fitting noodle strap knee length flowing dress she knew she looked beautiful in that.... Roseanne glanced at her image and smirked.... she walked out of her room and passed across Jennie's room.... Roseanne knew had Jennie been fine, she would have asked Roseanne 100 question for dressing up like that..... and had she known the reason.... Jennie would have reprimanded her for playing with someone's heart.... Roseanne silently wished that Jennie would get up even if it was to slap her... she swallowed her pain.... the revenge took over her she lifted her chin and walked out....


Park Mansion was still bright....... it was almost night, yet the mansion was full of light.... Mason was still in his study and Claire was in her room... sitting on her chair engrossed in a deep thought.... her heart was fluttering with different kind of feeling.... neither she nor Mason was getting sleep... they were worried for their daughters..... Jennie..... they didn't knew where she was and Roseanne... her anger and determination had power to burn down everything, but what scared them was that she was burning herself ....

Outside the Mansion stood Jisoo in a hoodie.....watching the bungalow.. she had visited the place quite a few times.... sometimes to drop Jennie.... Sometimes just to watch her and at times to secretly meet her.............. all memories came back to her.... Jennie came back to her................ there were times when Jisoo would be hungry.... her step mother won't give her food..... Jennie would cook for her... whatever time it would be she would never complaint..... Jisoo recalled how her step mother has falsely accused her of hitting his step sister and Jisoo's father thrashed her mercilessly.... she had been hungry for 3 days...... she called Jennie..... it was 11:00 PM.... Jennie answered ''Jisoo..... What's wrong''

Jisoo ''Promise me come what may you will never leave me.. ''

Jennie ''What happened and where are you''

Jisoo ''outside your house..... my father kicked me out.. I hate them Nini''

Jennie got up she was worried ''Did you have your dinner''

Jisoo ''who cares even if I die.... those people are waiting for it.. I am a burden for them''

Jennie wiped her tears ''Come to the back gate soon'' Jennie arranged pillows on her bed and walked out of her room.... she tiptoed into the kitchen pulled out food and a can from refrigerator... Jennie switched off the burglar alarm... and walked out into the vast garden surrounding their Bungalow she opened the small back gate and called Jisoo in.. she hugged her the moment she saw her Jennie held her tightly rubbing her back and planting soft kisses on her shoulder....when she calmed... she fed her. Jisoo stayed back till dawn... laying her head on her lap... and jennie kept on caressing her hair.... After sometime jisoo left pecking her forehead..... her love was precious.... and her heart craved for it like undying thirst.... Jisoo's POV 'I will find you Nni....... they can't keep you away from me' she walked off towards her car deciding to come back again to get the details about her whereabouts.


Sana was busy checking the arrangements of the photo shoot.... but someone was irritating her... it was Mark... since he had joined he kept on hitting on her.... which she was cleverly avoiding.... Sana walked to the dress and makeup artist instructing them about the theme in which Lisa should be dressed.... Mark came and stood behind Sana.... taking a deep breath............. ''You smell so good... ''

Sana ''Mark... I have warned you... just stay away..... ''

Mark ''Just one date honey and I will take you to a height you will never forget ''

Before Sana could utter a word..... came Roseanne's warning ''Forget about the height you are planning to take Sana............... think about the ditch I can push you into.... and it will be dark.... very dark''

Mark gulped..... the Studio was dead silent.. Sana would have smiled in normal circumstances but her eyes never moved from Roseanne Sana's POV ''OMG I was right.... she is trying to play and use Lisa's feelings.... God help me do something.... Rosie is losing herself....please God.. I can't stop her.... Nini isn't there and Ahjumma... I can't tell her....what should I do... this feels wrong... ''

Sana's thoughts were broken by Roseanne's voice ''Sana.... go home.. car is waiting for you''

Sana replied in a low voice ''I won't go without you''

Roseanne walked to her and patted her cheek speaking softly in a whisper ''Please baby.... Jennie is alone... for me''

Sana felt trapped, her eyes started filling up.... she looked straight into Roseanne's eyes ''You need me more..... don't do this.... you aren't this Rosie''

Roseanne gave her a painful smile and pecked her forehead ''I am all this and worse go I will be home in 2-3hrs'' Sana had no option but to leave... Roseanne closed her eyes once to leave Rosie behind.... she spoke in a strong voice ''All set.... call Lisa in''

Lisa walked inside... she was dressed in a torn faded jeans... hair set properly... and her torso covered with a robe................................. her eyes searched for Roseanne and when she met her eyes.... she gave her a warm smile.... which she returned with a smirk... Lisa was being explained the theme for the first shoot..... the makeup group removed the robe and sprayed her half bare torso, face and hair with water... the tiny droplets settled on her tanned body..... giving her a hot look.... once they moved.... Roseanne moved her gaze all across Lisa giving her an appreciating look.... and she started posing for the shoot...... Roseanne's POV ''Lisa had I been old Rosie I would have drooled over that smile and look of yours.... but now I am Roseanne... and nothing affects me..... specially a good looking rich female... but you will go out from here losing your heart to me... I will make sure of that'' Even during the breaks their eyes never left each other...... difference was Lisa lost in her heart and Roseanne was doing all intentionally.

Sana.... got inside the car.... and leaned on the seat closing her eyes.... she didn't knew what should be done... the driver who had been working with the family for long looked at Sana through the mirror ''Anything wrong kid''

Sana smiled ''Ahjussi tell me.. if you know a storm is coming and will blow everything in its way specially the people you love. what should be done''

Driver laughed ''Then step into the middle of the storm and destroy the core but it might mean destroying yourself too''

Sana ''I am not scared of that....... but how do I reach the core''

Driver ''Don't worry.... relax and think.. time and God will open the doors for you'' Sana nodded and looked out...... her POV 'Nini you need to wake up.... this storm started with you and will end with your interference''

                                     To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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