Chapter 21

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Jennie was going through all the active projects FRAMES was working on... Roseanne was working at Skyline... Jennie was giving a dictation when the receptionist barged in all breathless.... Jennie raised an eyebrow... the young girl gulped ''Ma'am.... Jisoo is in the office.................... she will create a scene.. and Roseanne ma'am is on her way to FRAMES for the evening board meeting.... she will fire us for letting her in.. what should I do''

Jennie smiled at Roseanne's terror she got up and handed the girl a glass of water.... Jennie folded her arms ''Send Jisoo in... and leave Roseanne on me you just relax''

The girl nodded like a doll and walked out. Jennie dismissed her assistant and turned her chair around to face the window. she was preparing her heart to face the woman.. who was her life.. and today she will break her heart mercilessly.

Jisoo walked in.. her legs halted the moment she stood on the other side of the table... Jennie had her back to her... but they both could feel each other. Jisoo's vision blurred her eyes were wet.. her throat went dry ''Nini ''

Jennie got up and tuned to face her. her face devoid of all expressions ''Jennie... its Jennie... for you... you look awful........... seems you aren't happy to see me alive''

Jisoo wasn't listening... she was just watching her ''Jennie... I missed you.I died each second'' she leaped pulling her into her strong arms. Jennie stood there like a stone.. she pulled her hands off her body and moved back creating distance between them..... Jisoo stood there shocked and pained...

Jennie mocked her ''YOU MISSED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... WOW ! Jisoo the super star missed a slut.... this is what you called me.... right ''

Jisoo pleaded ''Nini I am sorry.. let's start afresh''

Jennie ''you broke up with me months before I moved out of your apartment.... you were busy partying making new friends.................. enjoying attention of most beautiful girls... you never cared how I felt. because you knew I will never leave you.... you killed that Jennie.... now.... there is no us.. leave''

Jisoo moved forward to hold her but Jennie moved back. she lifted her palm halting her moving steps. Jennie spoke again ''I know what you did with Rosie..... you think I can forgive that.... I am done leave''

Jisoo fell on her knees... she joined her palms... her voice came out in a broken pieces ''I.... promised.. you will never leave me''

Jennie spoke in a cold voice ''Then I am breaking my promise... I don't love you...leave now'' Jennie's coldness pierced Jisoo's heart. her face was blank.... she had no pain on her face... she looked different... But to Jisoo's eyes she was still the most beautiful girl... devoid of warmth.... Jisoo got up with difficulty holding the edge of the table she turned around to leave but then stopped ''we can never be done.... we can fight.. but we can never be done.... I will follow you till you agree''

Jisoo staggered and walked out... she wasn't able to walk straight. she again lost something she loved the most... but fate had more pain in store for her as she moved towards the lift she came face to face with her nemesis Roseanne her sharp mocking eyes moved from her head to toe.. she smirked ''So Jisoo how does it feel when the one you love...stabs your heart....??.. this is what you made me feel....for all those years.''

Jisoo did not answer.... she kept watching Roseanne.... she won today she promised her, her destruction and she brought it so conveniently. Jisoo without losing her cool replied ''you won... but you stab my heart its Nini who will bleed.... ''

Roseanne ''Don't worry.... I will take care of her heart.... you take care.... because this has just started.... now your love will bring you down..'' Jisoo just walked off.... and Roseanne lifted her chin up walked proudly towards the broad room.

FIRE - Chaelisa(Jensoo)Where stories live. Discover now