Chapter 30

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Jiyeon's apartment

Jiyeon had turned into a scared cat.. she had locked herself into her apartment... she wasn't going to work.... Jisoo had tried reaching her.. but she feigned illness..... she had changed her number thrice. but Jennie was successful in reaching her every time.... laughing on her threatening her..... Jennie was killing Jiyeon slowly... Jiyeon was getting frequent panic attacks she knew she couldn't hide anymore... Jiyeon felt she was being watched... every corner... every eyes seemed to be threatening and warning her... she felt every individual around her would kill her.... Jiyeon kept her curtains on even during the day... she had sealed her windows. she wouldn't switch on the lights thinking someone might attack her.. Jiyeon was having a slice of bread with trembling hands.. when her phone rang again ''Hi Jiyeon... changed your number again... do you really feel like you can escape me. ''

Jiyeon ''why don't you leave me alone''

Jennie ''How can I... we have such an old relationship. you gave me so much... now its time for payback with interest... take care sweet heart. I will catch up with you later'' Jiyeon broke her phone.. she thought she will be free but Jennie had other ways... Revenge was liberating... and Jennie was so loving it ...

FRAMES Office Late Night

Elkie walked inside FRAMES office as if she owned it... she was directed to Roseanne's cabin by Heechul... Elkie entered without knocking.. the foolish woman didn't even notice that the office was completely empty............... she forgot she was walking into lioness' den.. Roseanne was there in her cabin sitting on her king size chair with her head leaned on the back and eyes closed.. she smiled when she heard a pair of legs entering her cabin. Elkie stood on the

opposite side of table her legs wide apart... playing with her keys.

Roseanne turned her chair around ''I think you should be taught mannerism''   Elkie smirked         '' And you will teach me or your frigid little servant''

Roseanne snarled ''Her name is Sana.... she is my sister.. and now since you have mentioned her..... how dare you trouble her.. do you even know what are you dealing with''

Elkie took a chair and get settled she lifted her legs and kept them on Roseanne's glass table ... ''I am someone who you cannot threaten.... if I wish... you will be dead in an hour lying in some gutter.. Sehun is my friend... but if you make me happy work for me.. I might think of benefiting you too''

Roseanne laughed... Elkie in her foolishness did not notice 2 people entering the cabin.. in a minute she was pulled of the chair and her head was pressed against the table with her arm twisted behind her back. Elkie tried to get free... but the arm holding her was too strong.. Jennie now hopped on the table watching the drama.... Roseanne took her chair ''Say something Ms.Connections''

Elkie mumbled ''you will pay for this'' Elkie was pulled up and then slapped across the face........... she trembled looking at the person.... it was the infamous underworld don Sehun       ''why did you hit me''

Sehun ''Because you are a fool to think that I will go against Roseanne madam ''

Elkie looked at the two girls and then at Sehun  ''They are threatening me... you called me your friend''

Sehunr gave one more tight slap to Elkie ''I am nothing to people who insult others.... I may be a criminal or an outlaw............ but we do have principles... I will be more than happy to break the bones of disgusting white collar people like you.. plus I won't go against these sisters for you''

Elkie didn't know what to say.. her eyes darted from Sehun to Jennie and then to Roseanne... she was smirking at her. Sehun pushed Elkie back to her chair holding her down.... Roseanne got up and walked to her ''By now you must have understood who I am... Next time.... you bother my squirt... it will be your head and my gun... and trust me no will be able to find you or dare to blame me.. now out''

Roseanne thanked Sehun before she left Jennie ''that was easier than I thought''

Roseanne ''I know.... I was expecting some fun... I thought she had guts.. but the moment Sehun held her neck.. she looked as if she would pee her pants.. ''

Jennie ''Thank god she didn't.. it would have spoiled the expensive carpet''. the twins laughed on the running Elkie sharing a hifi

Elkie took a deep breath after reaching her car.. she quickly dialled Miyeon ''Listen you.... I am out... I don't want to mess around with these two......... you are on your own''

Miyeon screamed ''Coward!!! you forgot... you signed 3 movies with my dad. I can get you chucked out''

Elkie ''with pleasure... movies will come if I stay alive.. and one free of cost suggestion.... if you wish to live... go far.. these two sisters are more dangerous than you think'' she quickly got into the car and zoomed out of FRAMES parking.......

Jennie picked a CD from Roseanne's table ''what's this''

Roseanne ''Miyeon's history..... now its time to turn her mad.... she will love it''

To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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