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Jisoo's Bungalow

Jennie was picking up everything scattered all over her house... she rubbed her back ''this girl keeps throwing everything all over the house Naeun-ah... come here'' A 4 year old girl with round glasses, peeped from the other room ''I didn't do it''

Jennie ''So who did it''

Naeun ''Jack''

Jennie ''Who is Jack...???''

Naeun ''Jack from Jack and Jill, he was tumbling down the hill so all got scattered''

Jennie folded her arms to her chest, Naeun gave all weird excuses... and she was staring at Jennie with a huge smile. Naeun was an over imaginative kid. She would imagine herself to be a princess, fighter, eagle and what not. Jisoo watched it for some time and burst out laughing... Jennie looked at her ''we were better off in that apartment... atleast I had to bend less... here I keep on going from room to room... and you young lady. I don't care if it was Jack or Jill, next time you are cleaning the mess you create'' Naeun pressed her lips and turned to her other mother. Jisoo just winked at her gesturing her to go and play. Naeun ran off.. Jisoo made Jennie sit ''we have help, why are you doing this''

Jennie smiled irritated ''your devil keeps them busy... yesterday she was a teacher and the whole staff was her students... I need a break''

Jisoo ''you are going to have it in a few days''

Jennie ''Jisoo, why are you worried''

Jisoo ''I have been shooting with Lisa, she is bit concerned on Ella... you know she is the latest interest of the tabloids... plus that spoiled brat Kang... I drove Lisa home in my car... she saw her with Kang... you know Nini what world we live..... in all these glamour and shine has darkness around... I just hope Ella doesn't fall for Kang's flattering ways... she is way too young''

Jennie smiled ''if Kang and his dad have a bad reputation, so does Rosie. Jisoo, if that boy touches even the hair on Ella's head Rosie will ruin him to roots... don't worry...''

Jisoo ''She is Rosie now.. not Roseanne'' Jennie smiled... inside she knew what her twin was capable off.

Jisoo's driver picked Sana up from the Airport, after a lot of argument it was decided that Sana while coming to America would be staying with Jennie and before her return with Roseanne... Jisoo lifted Yoo up ''Do you know who am I'' Yoo smiled and nodded she was too shy to speak.

Jennie had invited Roseanne and Lisa too. Lisa now had a strong bonding with Jisoo, they were friends-family. They would often share their concerns, issues with each other. The house help walked in with Lisa Ella and Woojin... Jennie cuddled Woojin pecking his cheek which he quickly rubbed off... Ella greeted Jennie with a hug ''Ella you look beautiful''

Ella blushed ''thanks... where is Naeun''

Jennie rolled her eyes ''looking for a monster in this house... Lisa where is Rosie...''

Lisa who had been talking to Yoo responded ''She said something urgent came up, she will join us in an hour'' Lisa greeted Sana with a hug and joined Jisoo infront of the television

Jennie's eyes immediately went to Sana. Sana pressed her palm ''I guess we are over thinking''

Jennie ''we both know, we aren't Squirt. I just hope she is not out to kill Kang...''

Sana ''Kang???? Who is he.. I thought you were talking about Miyeon. Heard that she is doing well in the asylum''

Jennie suddenly blinked, Sana's words made her think. Vansh was nothing infront of The mighty Roseanne Park, she wouldn't do it personally. Anyone would take care of that boy just at the snap of her fingers..................... this has to be important. Just when Jennie was about to brush things off.... there was a breaking news on the screen ''Hollywood 's once Star making king Jaehyun is being shifted to another Prison. For now his parole request has been rejected. According to the authorities he got into an ugly fight with inmates and now fears for his life. To ensure his safety he has already been taken to another facility''

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