Chapter 25

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Roseanne woke up somewhere around dawn...she checked the time it was 6:00 AM.... she tried moving but a strong arm pulled her close... Lisa slept with her front attached to Roseanne's back... she caressed her arm over her waist.. Roseanne eyes turned to the glass door opening into the balcony... the darkness had started fading as the tiny rays were piercing the sky... Roseanne blinked.... it was snowing.... she smiled... she was happy... very happy... somewhere the darkness that covered her heart was leaving... Roseanne turned her face towards Lisa... she was still in a deep slumber she looked adorable... she watched her.. and gently removed the dark lock of hair from her forehead... Roseanne whispered her name 'Lisa' it gave her a sense of belonging.... yes Lisa was right.... she belonged to her as she to her.... whenever she was around.. Rosie would come alive pushing the violent Roseanne somewhere back... with her she was calm there was no need for her to take sleeping pills or pain killers... Roseanne smiled watching Lisa.. she pecked her cheek.... she lifted her arm and scratched her cheek.................... again looped it around Roseanne's waist Roseanne smiled she lifted her torso up and pecked her nose... Lisa squinted and scratched her nose.. Roseanne utilized the time and quickly moved on the back of Lisa............... Lisa extended her arm to loop it around Roseanne... she found no one without opening her eyes she stretched it more to get a grip on her... but nothing. Roseanne giggle but covered her mouth.... Lisa understood.. she pretended going back to sleep... Roseanne after a minute peeped over her shoulder to check if she was sleeping.. Lisa was waiting she caught hold of her waist turning around and brought her below hers. locking her arms above her head.. Roseanne squealed then pouted ''you cheated''

Lisa smiled ''Really and who was troubling the sleeping tiger''

Roseanne gave a confused look ''who is a tiger here... I can only see a muscular Monkey???''

Lisa smirked tighten her grip on her wrists... she leaned close to her face ''Muscular Monkey ???... fine honey... let this Monkey show you some of her skills'' Lisa left feathery kisses from her face to neck Roseanne moaned.... Lisa smiled and bit her earlobe... she squeaked... Lisa grinned ''Guess Tigress is too soft for monkey's bite''

Roseanne blinked ''was that a punishment ???''

Lisa left her wrist and dropped her body beside her pulling her on the top ''No heiress don't punish in love.... its all about forgiving when you punish your love.... its you who feel the pain more ''

Roseanne absorbed her words... she kept her head on her chest.... Lisa wrapped her arms around her.... Roseanne's POV ''Yes she is right OMG! what have I Nini is going through all the pain I am inflicting on Jisoo.. how blind I have been.. Nini still loves Jisoo and just for me Nini is hurting Jisoo and in turn she is dying every minute' Roseanne bit her finger nails ''Nini is hurting herself''

Lisa ''Yes she is... the way she loved Jisoo... she will not love anyone...... its not just Nini... even Jisoo loves her with all her madness.. I have seen how they adored each other.. ''

Roseanne ''then why did she doubt her''

Lisa ''Love makes you insecure and Jisoo's anger is her biggest enemy''

Roseanne ''Lisa I want to know all.... why were you and Nini linked where it started ''

Lisa ''I will tell you all....'' Roseanne hugged her tight closing her eyes she wanted to correct all that went wrong.. and she was going to start with Joy.

New york Eden View

Jennie had asked Sana to get her few documents on SKYLINE in Roseanne's absence Jennie was taking care of everything................ Sana started looking for documents in Jennie's cupboard. she recalled that Jennie had asked her to search in the bottom shelf.... Sana.... pulled few files out.. she picked the required one.................... Sana stopped 'I will never get this kind of opportunity again... I need do know what Nini is hiding.. may be I can sooth her pain.... and finish all this'' Sana then searched all the shelves... she got a box hidden deep between the clothes. Sana opened the box and the contents in it left Sana shocked.... she quickly dialled Claire and updated her..... Claire heard and directed Sana on what should be done....

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