Chapter 42

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Sana left no stone upturned to make Roseanne's wedding a perfect one. She herself decorated the marriage dias... Sana walked back giving her work one look. It was magnificent, Sana smiled satisfied with her work. The marriage was scheduled to be a day after the dance party. Sana after spending good time with Tzuyu had started her work in the midnight itself, as she wanted it to be perfect. two arms slowly went around her waist pulling her back, Tzuyu pecked her cheek ''You are overworking, take some rest''

Sana leaned on her ''I just want it to be perfect''

Tzuyu ''it is... Roseanne is lucky to have you...s o are you planning to make our wedding this beautiful too'' Sana went mute, Tzuyu turned her around ''don't tell me you are not sure on marrying me, because if that so. I don't mind turning into a forever bachelor''

Sana chuckled leaning on her chest ''Why me Tzuyu ??? you could have gotten anyone... you are a hunk''

Tzuyu ''because of this beautiful heart of yours. Sana you are so dedicated to people you love... you stood by your sisters like a rock.. You treat Park's like your own... right now also when everyone else is sleeping you are here doing all you can to make your sister's wedding perfect. I fell in love with that... and about getting anyone... I want you''

Sana started playing with her shirt buttons ''Tzuyu are you fine with a simple wedding, if father agrees... he won't be able to throw a grand affair''

Tzuyu ''If he agrees??? That he will... and if he asks me I am ready to marry you right here and right now... without wasting a penny.. what say??? '' Sana leaned more into her arms as if giving her life into her hands... Tzuyu stroked her hair...a fter some minutes she realised that she was completely worn out as she was responding in broken sentences. Tzuyu lifted her up carrying Sana to her room, placing her on the bed... she caressed her head once before walking out.

As she walked out of her room she came face to face with Roseanne standing with her arms crossed to her chest ''What were you doing in my sisters room this late''

Tzuyu rolled her eyes ''Same pinch, why were you in sis's room at this hour''

Roseanne blinked and then smiled ''I kind of like you, get ready after wedding... I will get you two fixed together...'' She turned to leave, then stopped and spoke ''Tzuyu squirt is special, heart like that of hers should be guarded protectively...''

Tzuyu ''I will do it with my life.... and thanks'' Roseanne just smiled and walked off. Tzuyu shook her head ''God this Heiress and her attitude not even you are welcome... God help Lisa............. ''

Morning the house was filled with commotion, everybody was in a hurry getting things ready for the ceremony. Roseanne was checking herself in the mirror when she heard a knock ''Come in''

Jisoo stepped in little nervous, Roseanne turned around to face her ''Any problem''

Jisoo cleared her throat ''you look good''

Roseanne ''I know, I don't think you are here to praise my looks''

Jisoo huffed ''Roseanne I know I have done a lot of bad things and asking for apology will not wipe my mistakes out. Still if you can, please forgive me. I really want to make a new start''

Roseanne looked at Jisoo's extended hand , she took a step forward towards her.Taking her hand she smiled ''I forgive you, even I don't want to have a beginning with a past baggage.... Jisoo we cannot be friends as of now... but in future I don't know... I promise I will try my all to like you'' Jisoo nodded and walked out... Roseanne looked at her reflection... she was a bride today.... bride of her Lisa, it was the time to take the first step towards her happily ever after. Roseanne for a moment recalled Joy she closed her eyes making a silent prayer 'God!!! I have my happiness... please give Joy her's.. she is an amazing person... she suffered enough for that one mistake. bless her God!!!''

Jennie walked in ''Rosie.. ready to go..'' Roseanne took a deep breath and walked out with Jennie....... she desended stairs walking towards her wedding dais. Sana smiled wide when Roseanne looked at the decoration and gave her an appreciating smile.. moving on to the dais. Roseanne joined Lisa to start the rituals. Roseanne's dias below Jennie came and stood next to Sana ''squirt we have a surprise for you''

Sana ''what is it...''

Jennie ''Breathe, once Rosie completes the ritual you will know''

Sana ''I am impatient now'' Jennie just smiled... Tzuyu clicked pictures of the function. They had appointed the best wedding photographer, but Tzuyu wanted to capture all the important moments herself. Media had been crowding the mansion for last 3 days. But being a private affair they weren't allowed in... they were being told that pics would be shared............. but they wanted to capture the moment themselves. to just have one unique picture which they could own.

Lisa, Roseanne completed their vows and walked to their family for blessings, later for the media they walked on to a high poach with their family where media could click their pictures............. once done they walked inside to enjoy the party.....

. Mason walked into the middle of room ''So we just witnessed one of the most beautiful couple taking the vows . As a father I am on cloud nine to see my daughter being so happy about leaving me for another'' roseanne rolled her eyes and others laughed... Mason continued ''But I have more.................. Sanake come here darling'' Sana blinked and walked to Mason.. he wrapped an arm around her ''Mr. Manoban.. you asked Sana for Tzuyu some days back and I asked you time... now I ask Tzuyu for my Sana................... ''

Marco smiled wide he looked at his brother who gave a silent nod, Marco turned to Mason ''So tell us when''

Mason ''they will exchange rings now... here itself.. wedding in a week. Am I hurrying too much Sanake'' Sana stood speechless........ she looked once at her father Sangmin who was smiling wide with tears in his eyes, she couldn't believe how he agreed. Her eyes moved to her sisters, they gave her a thumbs up... Sana understood.. she smiled whispering a silent thanks.. Mason shook her ''Don't thank them.. its me'' Sana hugged Mason tight.

In the presence of the whole family Sana -tzuyu exchanged Rings. Sana wasn't ready for a big wedding..... even after Roseanne-Jennie insistance she turned adamant. The girls gave up, but Sana kept one request Vivian wanted a wedding in the Western culure for her only daughter. Mason-Claire readily agreed.

A week after Roseanne-Lisa's wedding. Tzuyu-Sana took their vows in the church... Sana never dreamt of being a princess, her dreams were small simple. She never expected anything in return of her love, but she was blessed with it. Her sisters turned her into a real princess gifting her the most beautiful wedding gown When she walked down the aisle with her father, through her veil she saw the woman standing at the other end. She was breath taking in every sense and now she was hers. Jennie-Roseanne stood there her brides maids all excited for their darling squirt.... Amidst happiness the only thing that made eyes water was that Squirt was going to leave for Singapore in few months... Sangmin was happy that his daughter got an amazing life partner, but thought of parting from her was painful. Jennie walked into his room... he was silently sobbing ''Ahjussi are you crying''

Sangmin wiped his eyes ''No kid... I am just too happy''

Jennie ''I can see that... are you worried for Squirt''

Sangmin ''Nini I am happy, but she is going too far... what if she is in a problem... I know my worries are baseless.. but''

Jennie held his hand ''ahjussi you think we will leave Sana alone... she is our sister and will always be.. we will always be there for her... and for you too...''

Sangmin caressed her head ''I trust you.... '' he wiped his tears '' Nini I don't have enough words to thank you guys''

Jennie ''KAhjussi Mom dad are good to all their staff. But not emotionally attached to them, Squirt was different she felt so our own.. she gave so much of love to our family that whatever and how much ever we do it would be less... and then you. You took care of us too... you are family ahjussi.................. then why thank your own''

Sangmin patted her cheek ''Lets get going,I have to make arrangements for the journey of you guys''

Both the couples got a honeymoon trip as a gift from Manoban's. Mason gave one to Jennie and Jisoo... he regretted that they never got a chance to be a part of her wedding. But he now wanted to fill that gap with a small gift.....

                To all the readers, THANKYOU for reading my story

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